Particles defined in StarClassLibrary which have an associated geant ID

Output list of particles w/ geant ID in StarClassLibrary:
 GID       NAME             Mass [GeV]      Charge [e]    Lifetime [ns]          PDG
  1        gamma	           0	           0	           0	          22
  2           e+	 0.000510999	           1	          -1	         -11
  3           e-	 0.000510999	          -1	          -1	          11
  4         nu_e	           0	           0	           0	          12
  5          mu+	    0.105658	           1	 2.19703e-06	         -13
  6          mu-	    0.105658	          -1	 2.19703e-06	          13
  7          pi0	    0.134976	           0	     8.4e-17	         111
  8          pi+	     0.13957	           1	   2.603e-08	         211
  9          pi-	     0.13957	          -1	   2.603e-08	        -211
 10       kaon0L	    0.497672	           0	    5.17e-08	         130
 11        kaon+	    0.493677	           1	  1.2371e-08	         321
 12        kaon-	    0.493677	          -1	  1.2371e-08	        -321
 13      neutron	    0.939566	           0	          -1	        2112
 14       proton	    0.938272	           1	          -1	        2212
 15  anti_proton	    0.938272	          -1	          -1	       -2212
 16       kaon0S	    0.497672	           0	   8.926e-11	         310
 17          eta	     0.54745	           0	           0	         221
 18       lambda	     1.11568	           0	   2.632e-10	        3122
 19       sigma+	     1.18937	           1	    7.99e-11	        3222
 20       sigma0	     1.19255	           0	     7.4e-20	        3212
 21       sigma-	     1.19744	          -1	   1.479e-10	        3112
 22          xi0	      1.3149	           0	     2.9e-10	        3322
 23          xi-	     1.32132	          -1	   1.639e-10	        3312
 24       omega-	     1.67245	          -1	    8.22e-11	        3334
 25 anti_neutron	    0.939566	           0	          -1	       -2112
 26  anti_lambda	     1.11568	           0	   2.632e-10	       -3122
 27  anti_sigma+	     1.18937	          -1	    7.99e-11	       -3222
 28  anti_sigma0	     1.19255	           0	     7.4e-20	       -3212
 29  anti_sigma-	     1.19744	           1	   1.479e-10	       -3112
 30     anti_xi0	      1.3149	           0	     2.9e-10	       -3322
 31     anti_xi-	     1.32132	           1	   1.639e-10	       -3312
 32  anti_omega-	     1.67245	           1	    8.22e-11	       -3334
 33         tau+	      1.7771	           1	   2.956e-13	         -15
 34         tau-	      1.7771	          -1	   2.956e-13	          15
 35           D+	      1.8693	           1	   1.057e-12	         411
 36           D-	      1.8693	          -1	   1.057e-12	        -411
 37           D0	      1.8645	           0	    4.15e-13	         421
 38      anti_D0	      1.8645	           0	    4.15e-13	        -421
 39          Ds+	      1.9685	           1	    4.67e-13	         431
 40          Ds-	      1.9685	          -1	    4.67e-13	        -431
 41    lambda_c+	      2.2849	           1	    2.06e-13	        4122
 45     deuteron	     1.87561	           1	          -1	           0
 46       triton	     2.80925	           1	          -1	           0
 47        alpha	     3.72742	           2	          -1	           0
 49          He3	     2.80923	           2	          -1	           0
 50 opticalphoton	           0	           0	           0	           0
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end of geant defined particles
150        omega	     0.78194	           0	           0	         223
151          phi	     1.01941	           0	           0	         333
152         rho0	      0.7685	           0	           0	         113
153         rho+	      0.7685	           1	           0	         213
154         rho-	      0.7685	          -1	           0	        -213
155        kaon0	    0.497672	           0	           0	         311
156   anti_kaon0	    0.497672	           0	           0	        -311

 Comparing to the list of particles HOWTO: Print the list of particles available in STARSIM, we are missing the following particles:

   52 H3_LAMBDA                  8       0.2991E+01     1.    0.26320E-09
   60 D_STAR_PLUS                4       0.2010E+01     1.    0.68600E-20
   61 D_STAR_MINUS               4       0.2010E+01    -1.    0.68600E-20
   62 D_STAR_0                   4       0.2007E+01     0.    0.31300E-21
   63 D_STAR_0_BAR               4       0.2007E+01     0.    0.31300E-21
   70 B_PLUS                     4       0.5279E+01     1.    0.16710E-11
   71 B_MINUS                    4       0.5279E+01    -1.    0.16710E-11
   72 B0                         4       0.5279E+01     0.    0.15360E-11
   73 B0_BAR                     4       0.5279E+01     0.    0.15360E-11
  149 DALITZ                     4       0.1350E+00     0.    0.84000E-16
  160 JPSI                       4       0.3096E+01     0.    0.74800E-20
  161 UPSILON                    4       0.9460E+01     0.    0.12540E-19
  162 UPS2S                      4       0.1002E+02     0.    0.15450E-19
  163 UPS3S                      4       0.1035E+02     0.    0.25560E-19
  164 UPSILON_MU                 4       0.9460E+01     0.    0.12540E-19
  165 UPS2S_MU                   4       0.1002E+02     0.    0.15450E-19
  166 UPS3S_MU                   4       0.1035E+02     0.    0.25560E-19
  170 LASERINO                   6       0.0000E+00     1.    0.10000E+11
  171 CHASRINO                   6       0.0000E+00     1.    0.10000E+11
  207 LAC2                       3       0.2285E+01     1.    0.20600E-12
  701 S1385PLUS                  4       0.1383E+01     1.    0.18400E-22
  702 S1385MINUS                 4       0.1387E+01    -1.    0.16700E-22
  703 S1385BARPLUS               4       0.1387E+01    -1.    0.16700E-22
  704 S1385BARMINUS              4       0.1383E+01     1.    0.18400E-22
  800 MONOPOLE                   9       0.1000E+01     0.    0.10000E+11

... and it would be a useful exercise to compare the two lists in detail, instead of just skimming over them.  i.e., do the masses and lifetimes agree?  geant ids?