Open and Expected Simulation Requests

A summary of open and expected simulation requests.

  1. You do not have access to view this node in progress, nearly complete

This simulation requests 2M events of 7.7 GeV AuAu Hijing events, to extend the statistics of the 7.7 GeV bin in the BES request with the goal of establishing the systematic uncertainties in the higher moments of the (p-pbar) distributions.  Because the 7.7 GeV bin of the You do not have access to view this node was reconstructed with vertex cuts which differ from the vertex cuts used in the reconstruction of the 7.7 GeV data sample, we are generating 3M events in this request.  Once this request is completed we will remove the inconsistent Monte Carlo sample and replace it with the new files.  This will allow us to close out the BES request.

  1. Run 8 200 GeV You do not have access to view this node and You do not have access to view this node

These requests ask for ~2M events total to evaluate the efficiency of the central calorimeters to reconstruct neutral pions with a neutral pion triggered in the FMS.  A filter requires a neutral pion above a pT threshold within the nominal acceptance of the FMS.  This request has been on hold because the FMS/FPD hits are not integrated into the simulation and reconstruction framework.  Pibero has provided the necessary software: g2t table, g2t_volume_id, modifications to St_geant_Maker and StMcEventMaker...  Victor is reviewing the code and will commit to CVS.

We will need to include the code in a library in order to launch the simulation.

  1. You do not have access to view this node

Request is for 3M events which satisfy a filter on charged hadrons, requiring a charged hadron w/in the acceptance of the TPC (|η|<1.2) with pT > 2.5 GeV.  Estimated time is 7200 CPU hours (3 days for 100 nodes) and 100 GB to store *MuDst.root, *minimc.root, and *starsim.log.  Filter appears to be ready, just need Victor to sign off.

  1. You do not have access to view this node

Request is for 500k events which satisfy both the MC filter and JP2.  There are some issues which need to be addressed before we advance this request,  specifically

a) BFC filter code depends on code which is in the StSpinPool
b) I do not know whether the trigger filter has been reviewed previously or not
c) The BFC filter requires the JP2 threshold used online, which is problematic due to uncertainties in the calibration of the calorimeter.
Estimate is 300 CPU weeks and 75 GB for *MuDst.root, *minimc.root, and *starsim.log files.
  1. LF spectra pp 62 GeV pythia (request in preparation)

There's a request for 2.2 M events of pp minbias data.  Disk and CPU estimate pending.

  1. Hypernuclei in geant3

Not a simulation request per se, but... there are some issues which we need to adress in starsim in order to be able to simulate antinuclei and anti-hypernuclei.

a) Geant assumes that all heavy ions have positive charge when calculating energy loss values.  This breaks for antinuclei ... (e.g. anti-He3).  Need to fix this routine (GtHION) and survey the code for other places where charge is assumed positive.

b) Second problem is that GtHION assumes that all heavy ions are stable.  So it cannot be used to propagate hypernuclei.  Three solutions... (1) Create a GtHYPER tracking code, (2) add decay possibility to GtHION, (3) the current hack using GtHADR.  Prefered is #2.

With the possible exception of #1, none of these requests are pending for QM.  If we get a request for a simulation which needs to be done before QM, then we will give priority to that request.