Test of STV tracking on run 9 data and embedding sample

During today's (07/09/13) VMC meeting, we discussed performing a test on the STV tracking codes using run 9 W data sample plus embedding.  This tests:

(1) STV code stability over large data sample;
(2) hit error extraction in a realistic data sample;
(3) RDO mask application
(4) STV performance at higher pT
(5) STV performance under non-ideal detector conditions
(6) STV performance in a high pileup / large multiplicity environment
Embedded data sample and realistic data sample should be able to use a common set of hit errors.  This may be an interesting test of that statement.
We should be aware of (and take advantage) of the fact that the field setting was reversed on 5/27/2009.
Use $STAR/StRoot/macros/embedding/bfcMixer_DaqFzd.C
(1) Generate fzd files using starsim / pythia6.4.23 / tune 320 / pp500 W+/- --> e+/- nu
(2) Embed into pp500 zero bias data sample