FTS Fast Sim

Code is in eval, along with two example macros.  ftsParticleGun.C to generate events, and runFtsSim.C to run the fast simulator, saving hits in the event.root file.
$ starver eval
$ ls $STAR/StRoot/StFtsFastSimulatorMaker

$ ls $STAR/StRoot/StFtsFastSimulatorMaker/macros

Quick and Dirty Event Display

Check correctness -- pull distributions:

Figure 1 -- Strip pull distributions in X

Figure 2 -- Strip pull distributions in Y

Figure 3 -- Wire pull distributions in X

Figure 4 -- Wire pull distribution in Y

Figure 5 -- Bz component vs Y and Z (at x=0).  Two lines show the eta=2.5 and eta=4.0 limits.

Figure 6 -- By component vs Y and Z (at x=0).  Two lines show the eta=2.5 and eta=4.0 limits.