TGeant3 Notes
Updated on Tue, 2016-03-15 11:23. Originally created by jwebb on 2016-02-24 13:48.
List of G3 user routines defined in TGeant3gu.cxx, and their mapping to methods defined on the interface.
void gudigi -- no ops void guhadr -- branches to hadronic response code in geant3 void guout -- no ops void guphad -- branches to had response print in geant3 void gudcay -- performs decays ala VMC decayer in VMC void guiget -- no ops void guinme -- returns -1 void guinti -- no ops void gunear -- no ops void guskip -- returns iskip=0 void guswim -- implements a routine which swims the particle void guview -- no ops void gupara -- no ops void gutrak -- VMC pretrack, g3track(), VMC posttrack :: calls pre and post trak on VMC interface, g3track() in geant3 void gutrev -- calls gtreveroot() defined in geant3/gtrak/gtreveroot.F void gufld -- gets B field from VMC void gufld -- ... double void eustep -- geane routine. Meh. void gustep -- user end of each tracking step void gukine -- generate primaries by VMCList of G3 routines defined in TGeant3f77.cxx
TGeant3f77 TGeant3 TGeant3TGeo ---------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------ void gfile --> TGeant3::Gfile --> void void gpcxyz --> TGeant3::Gpcxyz --> g3pcxyz void ggclos --> TGeant3::FinishGeometry --> Ggclos --> g3gclos TGeant3TGeo::Ggclos void glast --> TGeant3::Glast --> g3last void gprint --> TGeant3::Gprint --> g3print TGeant3TGeo::Gprint --> void void grun --> TGeant3::Grun --> g3run void gtrig --> TGeant3::Gtrig --> g3trig void gtrigc --> TGeant3::Gtrigc --> g3tric void gtrigi --> TGeant3::Gtrigi --> g3trigi void gfmate --> TGeant3::Gfmate --> ... --> g3fmate void gfpart --> TGeant3::Gfpart --> g3fpart void gftmed --> TGeant3::Gftmed --> g3ftmed void gftmat --> TGeant3::Gftmat --> g3ftmat void gsdk --> TGeant3::Gsdk --> g3sdk void gsmate --> TGeant3::Gsmate --> g3smate [warn] TGeant3TGeo::Gsmate --> g3smate & TGeoManager::Material void gsmixt --> TGeant3::Gsmixt --> g3smixt TGeant3TGeo::Gsmixt --> g3smixt & fMCGeo->Mixture void gspart --> TGeant3::Gspart --> g3spart void gstmed --> TGeant3::Gstmed --> g3stmed TGeant3TGeo::Gstmed --> g3stmed & gGeoManager->Medium void gsckov --> TGeant3::Gsckov --> g3sckov void gstpar --> TGeant3::Gstpar --> g3stpar void gfkine --> TGeant3::Gfkine --> g3fkine void gfvert --> TGeant3::Gfvert --> g3fvert void gskine --> TGeant3::Gskine --> g3skine void gsvert --> TGeant3::Gsvert --> g3svert void gphysi --> TGeant3::Gphysi --> g3physi void gdebug --> TGeant3::Gdebug --> g3debug void gsking --> TGeant3::Gsking --> g3sking void gskpho --> TGeant3::Gskpho --> g3skpho void gsstak --> TGeant3::Gsstack --> g3sstack void gsxyz --> TGeant3::Gsxyz --> g3xyz void gtrack --> TGeant3::Gtrack --> g3track void gtreve --> TGeant3::Gtreve --> g3treve TGeant3TGeo::Gtreve --> g3treve TGeant3TGeo::GtreveRoot --> gtreveroot void gdxyz --> void GGEOM void gdtom --> TGeant3::Gdtom TGeant3TGeo maps these calls onto TGeo geometry void glmoth --> TGeant3::Glmoth void gmtod --> TGeant3::Gmtod void gsdvn --> TGeant3::Gsdvn void gsdvn2 --> TGeant3::Gsdvn2 void gsdvs --> TGeant3::Gsdvs void gsdvs2 --> TGeant3::Gsdvs2 void gsdvt --> TGeant3::Gsdvt void gsdvt2 --> TGeant3::Gsdvt2 void gsord --> TGeant3::Gsord void gspos --> TGeant3::Gspos void gsposp --> TGeant3::Gsposp void gsrotm --> TGeant3::Gsrotm void gsvolu --> TGeant3::Gsvolu DRAWING void gsatt --> TGeant3::Gsatt TGeant3TGeo::Gsatt --> gGeoManger ... void gfpara --> TGeant3::Gfpara void gckmat --> TGeant3::Gckmat void gdelete --> void void gdopen --> TGeant3::Gdopen void gdclose --> void void gdshow --> void void gdopt --> TGeant3::Gdopt void gdraw --> TGeant3::Gdraw void gdrawc --> TGeant3::Gdrawc void gdrawx --> TGeant3::Gdrawx void gdhead --> TGeant3::Gdhead void gdman --> TGeant3::Gdman void gdspec --> TGeant3::Gdspec void gdtree --> TGeant3::Gdtree void gekbin --> TGeant3::Gekbin void ginit --> void void gdinit --> void void gpvolu --> g3pvolu void gprotm --> g3protm void gpmate --> g3pmate void gptmed --> g3ptmed void gppart --> g3ppart void gpsets --> g3psets void gpvert --> g3pvert void gpkine --> g3pkine void gpjxyz --> g3pjxyz void gphits --> g3phits void gpart --> g3part void gmate --> g3mate void gbhsta --> g3bhsta void gscank --> g3scank void gscanu --> g3scanu void gzinit --> TGeant3::GzinitNavigation functions in TGeant3 vs TGeant3TGeo
TGeant3 TGeant3TGeo fginvol = g3invol; | fginvol = ginvolTGeo; -- replace gtrak/ginvol.F fgtmedi = g3tmedi; | fgtmedi = gtmediTGeo; -- replace gtrak/gtmedi.F fgtmany = g3tmany; | fgtmany = gtmanyTGeo; -- replace gtrak/gtmany.F fgtonly = gtonlyg3; | fgtonly = gtonlyTGeo; -- replace gtrak/gtolny.F fgmedia = g3media; | fgmedia = gmediaTGeo; -- replace gtrak/gmedia.F fglvolu = g3lvolu; | fglvolu = glvoluTGeo; -- replace gtrak/glvolu.F fgtnext = g3tnext; | fgtnext = gtnextTGeo; -- replace gtrak/gtnext.F fggperp = g3gperp; | fggperp = ggperpTGeo; -- replace gtrak/ggperp.F
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