Update 10/04/2018
Updated on Thu, 2018-10-04 15:04. Originally created by jwebb on 2018-10-04 13:00.
- Pythia 8.2.35 (new major version) requested
- Installed in the StarGenerator framework
- Interface needs to be either adapted to support both pp and HI collisions, or separate StarPythiaAA interface added
- Work with Prashanth to integrate the EPD fast simulator with the event model
- He had the code mostly implemented to fill StEvent
- Was lacking an example "bfc" macro to run / test the code. Provided.
- After he confirms hits are in StEvent, will work with him to fill in MuDst. Expect request for code review ~end of month.
- Progress on the infamous "Prashanth" bug... it comes down to one of the hijing configuration options.
- Believe that too many non final-state, non-particles (e.g. a "lund string") are being created and overflowing... something...
- need to understand this further.
- Should note that this single line of configuration is omitted in some (but not all) example macros.
- First attempt to integrate the CA + Hnn seed finder with Stv failed.
- Code crashes with an apparent stack corruption
- Corruption is there once the StFwdSeedMaker is created
- Tried to "core it out"... essentially a NULL maker... still an issue.
- Tried stripping out all header files...
- Code seemed to run fine first time, but several other runs and it crashes...
- Reduced the StFwdTrackMaker library down to just a bare Maker that does nothing...
- Code still crashing
- Now remove the Eve, GenFit and KiTrack libraries
- Code runs to completion. Phew.
- Test with libEve + libGenFit loaded
- Houston, we have a problem (code crashes)
- Test with just libKiTrack.so loaded
- Whisky Tango Foxtrot (code still crashes)
- There is something screwy in the setup, and it is revealed when we load in these libraries (and/or introduced by loading in these libraries). It does not want to be found (can't reproduce the crash in gdb). On to valgrind, I guess...
- Or maybe...
- We have a few suspect chain options, and a few which are not needed
- usexgeom, big, bbcSim, emcY2, BAna, ...
- Removed these and ...
- (1) Code seems to hang when run interactively, but (2) crashes under gdb
- Crashes when AddHit is called...
- Now we can see that the geometry is being clobbered (gGeoManager->GetPath() results in a crash)...
- But again, this is a memory corruption. Need not be a geometry issue per se.
- Timestamps --
- Code crashes with sdt20201210.000008
- Code runs fine with sdt20161215.000000 (with a hack to load ftsref6a)
- Houston, we have a workaround
- Suspicion is that code in eval (which has been stable for ~year) is having trouble digesting recent DB tables...
- Digging deeper...
- sdt20161210.00008 runs fine, sdt20171210.000008 crashes.
- diff on log files seems in order ...
- and shows nothing obvious...
- Setup BaseQA analysis for testing Stv, Stv|RK and (future) Stv|CA|Hnn
- 200 GeV AuAu minbias
- 5k events with constant B field
- 5k events with standard B field
- -2.0 < eta < 5.0
- Run simulations with a timestamp of 20161225 (make sure we do not accidentally pickup an iTPC table or three...)
- First look at baseqa...
- Confirms Victor's base QA at midrapidity. Sti > Stv > StvRK
- Debugging at forward rapidity\
- jwebb's blog
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