Bug #1617 - Crosscheck to MiniMc files production

This is a comparison of MiniMc files provided "out of the box" when embedding is produced and files produced by user using different library (SL08e in this case).

Tested files:

1. the standard (shipped with embedding) minimc file: star/institutions/lbl/andrewar/embedding/data/P08if/Piplus_105/st_physics_8125119_raw_1020008.minimc.root

2. the new minimc file: /star/u/kikola/bug1617_example/StMiniMcCheck/xstarxinstitutionsxlblxandrewarxembeddingxdataxP08ifxPiplus_105xst_physics_8125119_raw_1020008.minimc.root

The "new" minimc file was produced using:



I used the StMiniMcMaker from SL08e library (cvs co -r SL08e StRoot/StMiniMcMaker), compiled with dev.

To run production I used macro /star/u/kikola/bug1617_example/StMiniMcCheck/StMiniHijing.C (provided by Andrew - many thanks!)

Summary of the results:

1. standard file:

- mMergedPairs,  mSplitPairs,  mGhostPairs,  mContamPairs,  mMatGlobPairs branches are empty

- there are tracks with mMatchedPairs.mEtaPr=0 and mMatchedPairs.mPtPr =0 in the mMatchedPairs branch (plsea see Fig. 1, 2 and 3) which cause the spike around eta = 0

2. the new file

 - there is no empty branch in the StMiniMcTree

- in the mMatchedPairs branch there are only tracks with mMatchedPairs.mPtPr > 0

- there is no spike at eta = 0 (please see Fig. 4 and 5)


Fig. 1:  "Standard MiniMc file":  All tracks matched  mMatchedPairs branch


Fig. 2:  "Standard MiniMc file":  Tracks matched to MC pions in mMatchedPairs branch with nCommonHits >0



Fig. 3:  "Standard MiniMc file":  Tracks in mMatchedPairs branch with primary pT >0


Fig. 4:  "New MiniMc file":  All tracks in mMatchedPairs branch


Fig. 5:  "New MiniMc file":  Tracks matched to MC pions in mMatchedPairs branch with nCommonHits >9