Minutes for HF PWG meeting on 2014/10/26
1. MTD di-muon data production plan
Rongrong presented a MTD group plan for production of di-muon trigger data.
A few comments and questions:
- how a p cut (p > 1.5 GeV) affect a J/psi signal? -> MTD group: should be no effect since because J/psi mass is 3.1 GeV
- is matching to MTD trigger hits really necessary? -> MTD group: yes, otherwise there are some random benefits effects and biases, which are hard (or event impossible) to control.
Comments from HF group: maybe there is no bias at all, but it has to be checked if one want to use triggered data without matching to trigger conditions. Maybe it could be estimated by comparing some observables between min-bias and triggered data, but we need to think about that.
- for the partial tracking: if select a trigger hits first, then one could get a better phi range estimate, which could be used to better estimate sectors needed for tracking (by using only those adjacent sectors, which track could pass through, and not all).
Homework for Heavy Flavor PWG: think hard, if there are any plans for analysis for QM2015, which proposed cuts would distort or make impossible. If yes, then speak up/post info at the HF mailing list.
We wait a week for feedback from the HF working group. If no objections, then we assume that HF PWG is fine with production plan for data with di-muon trigger.
2. Xiaozhi - NPE in p+p 200 GeV
The plots look good. One suggestion from the group: use likelihood fits for low-statistics bins in ToF matching efficiency study.
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