Minutes for HF PWG meeting on 2014/8/21

Matt and Saskia: update on Upsilon spin-alignment in p+p 200 and 500 GeV and presentation of first version of the paper proposal web page:


The analysis and results look good, although there are a few items to follow up:

- check number of events for p+p 200 GeV

- we need systematic uncertainties before PWGC review

- Drell-Yan yield from Pythia is very small (negligible compared to bb-bar). Matt is waiting for the theory values to cross-check these results. On the other hand, bb-bar mass shape describes background (side band) quite well (also true for cos(thera) distribution). Thus it looks like either shapes of bb-bar and DY are very similar or DY yield is indeed very small.

- check systematic effect of trigger efficiency (L2-like cuts) and electron identification efficiency (dE/dx and E/p)

- check if merging two highest pT bins improves the stat. uncertainties

- for the final polarization plot vs pT: compare to Tevatron data