Minutes for HF PWG meeting on 2015/04/02

D0 v2 - Hao
- first, promising study
- slide 7 - difference in event plane resolutions from different methods due to possible "nonflow", it should be small, make a ratio plot to quantify difference and include in systematics
- comparison with published hadron v2 - result look similar, but relative difference at low pT is significant and these new data does decrease to 0 at pT~0., This needs further study to show that we have v2 calculation under control, for example: calculate v2 is narrow centrality bins and compare with published data
- question about different BG shapes in phi bins - need more study when better statistics is available (now results are driven by statistical fluctuations)

- Mustafa:
- code example for heavy flavor data analysis with LBL picDST ready
- D0 trees - will be hosted on PDSF, on LBL disks
- advice - save data in histograms
- problems with disk space - need to release some disk spaces from PWGs' pool, do the same for embedding production to save disk space
- be careful with the data integrity (indexes)
D0 analysis maker: - example and code location provided, can get it from git repository
- be careful when using external repositories - do not upload any STAR data/pdfs to external repositories
- use bug tracker if you find any bugs/problems with code

- a generic HF maker, based on D0analysis maker
- examples provided
- some questions regarding how to maintain two makers, maybe merge them and have only one?
reply: the idea was to have a simpler code, not to use more disk space
- maker will not change the picoDST (there will be production tag), user responsible for their analysis

Saskia: Upsilon spin-alignment paper proposal:
- updated paper proposal with
- use pT integrated point in Fig. 11
- add polarization vs x_T (maybe there is a common trend, as for J/psi)
- add model predictions

Robert: Upsilon in U+U 200 GeV
- suggestion: separate eff vs pT and vs centrality
- add efficiency vs pT for a single track for one
- R_AA for Upsilon(2s+3s) - add Upsilon (2s) and (3s) from CMS
- plan: Robert implements comments from today's meeting and send a different versions to PWG for discussion, in the mean time we request a paper proposal preview in ~2 weeks

Kunsu: Low-pT NPE in Au+Au 200 GeV run 10
update on purity study, electrons have both nSignaEle TPC and ToF 1/beta cuts (not clear from slides)
- compare to Phenix and calculate the RAA
- spectra plot on slide 8 - green points (photonic) not corrected for pho.ele reco.eff. and reco eff.
- what causes difference between previous study? - purity is one candidate (there was quite large syst. error when purity calcated for a first time, before QM'12) - Kunsus: please check what is the version of the data plotted as black points
- todo: compare to Phenix, make Raa and ratio to FONLL plots

other presentations postponed to the next week