Minutes for HF PWG meeting on 2015/10/22


Issues with BEMC in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 (using Heavy Flavor picoDsts)

There are weird structures in the energy and Adc0 distributions. Most of effect comes from few towers, Rosi will try to make eta-phi plot for those towers to identify the location

a few suggestions to follow up:
- check MuDst to confirm the observation
- maybe check AdcDsm if there is similar effect (based on results from Binchu/Zaochen, it looks like AdcDsm distribution as Adc0)

We need to understand the spikes in slide 5:
- spike ~33 GeV -> hard-coded threshold somewhere in BEMC code or in picoDST production soft? Or maybe an issue with BEMC calibration (wrong pedestals?, wrong conversion from adc to energy?)

Rosi will follow up with BEMC experts regarding possible issue with wrong pedestals/ wrong pedestal subtraction

Missing J/psi signal in Au+Au 200 GeV HT data run 14
- trigger: BHT2*VPDMB-30
- QA also done using picoDsts
- DsmAdc shows a strong spike at the high end of the spectrum, similar as energy and Adc0
- results in slide 15 - obtained without SMD cuts (nEta, nPhi: number of SMD stripes fired by a track)
- Zaochen and Bingchu will follow with summary of their cuts study, will be interesting to see the background level with and without SMD cuts

- biggest issue: missing signal, not the lower S/B compared to run 10
- lower S/B - this is expected due to larger electron background form conversion
- Zaochen checked the signal with global tracks - same results as for primary tracks - no J/psi peakl
- Rosi: maybe the online trigger is messed up, so we do not collect HT trigger?
- one can use ToF for global tracks with beta recalculated for tracks with DCA < 3 cm
Zhenyu commented: we should have beta for global tracks (with DCA < 3 cm) by default in MuDst, Xin: it is possible and easy to do. BTW: picoDsts contain global tracks with DCA < 10 cm

- J/psi signal is missing due to low efficiency (either due to HT trigger or BEMC of Tof)
Tof dist. look ok, so BEMC is the candidate

A few possible checks;
-compare signal from similar size of min-bias data to current results in HT data
- remove BEMC cuts and see if you see if signal re-appear

Todo: we should push for the HT data production as a reference
- request embedding (TPC only) to get a feeling about J/psi efficiency
- we should have an independent check of this issue to make sure it is a bug in the code. Wenqmei was asked to use his code to run over the same data (using MuDst) and check if he has the same results as Bingchu/Zaochen