Service work in Heavy Flavor Physics Working Group

Service works in Heavy Flavor Physics Working Group (status as 2015/06/16)

In the Alphabetical order:
Xiaozhi Bai
Jonathan Bouchet
Liang He
Bingchu Huang
Xinjie Huang
Leszek Kosarzewski
Michael Lomnitz
Rongrong Ma
Long Ma
Mustafa Mustafa
Miroslav Simko
Hao Qiu
Amilkar Quintero
Yaping Wang
Guannan Xie
Qian Yang
Long Zhou

Xiaozhi Bai
1. IST on call expert for Run15
2. Develop EvtGen into STAR official simulation

Jonathan Bouchet
1) SSD soft coordinator (AGML geometry modeling, FastSimMaker,
embeddingMaker, revamping code to SST, contact person DB table,
revamping DB tables for SST)
2) initial AgML PXL , PST geometry
3) revamping code for alignment (StHftPool) ; several simulations for
misaligned/tilted PXL ladders/sectors for dev13/dev14 geometries
4) use of TMVA for D0 with SVT,SSD
5) KFVertex in pp (with TMVA)
6) comparison KFParticle/TCFIT
7) StFMSPointMaker, StFgtSlowSimuMaker reviews
8) HLT-HFT standalone

Liang He
1. I did the first detailed simulation of HFT performance in pp collisions and also figured out the way to correct the bias of primary vertex reconstruction due to displaced tracks from D mesons. These benefit many heavy flavor analyses
2. I studied the impact of D^0 meson reconstruction in pheriphral Au+Au collisions using KF reconstruction and found the KF method significantly improved the D^0 meson significance in prepherial collisions. These impact are important for Rcp measurements and  also benefit many other D meson analyses.

Bingchu Huang
Here is a summary of my service work for your consideration. Since i have been doing it for a long time, I only list what i have done since last year:
1. MTD matching/simulation/calibration software development.
2. IST software co-ordinator since August 2014
2.1) IST gain calibration for Run14 Data production
2.2) IST online monitoring development for Run15 data taking, discovered the VPDMB trigger problem in early Run15 data taking
2.3) ongoing IST embedding software development for HFT analyses
3. IST on-call expert for Run15 data taking
4. Run16/17 BUR: B->Jpsi projection 
5. iTPC proposal: estimate iTPC improvement in acceptance and uncertainty to dielectron measurements

Xinjie Huang:
on-call for MTD/TOF for run14 and run 15, per month every year; did the MTD calibration for run13 and run14 using cosmic ray data and provided the calibration tables. He does not intend to attend QM15.

Leszek Kosarzewski:
Slow Simulator for IST.
Talk at a Junior`s day, which may be useful for newcomers. Jerome asked me to put it on the tutorials webpage:

Michael Lomnitz:
- I was in charge of PXL masking and contributed to other software and calibration tasks for HFT.
- Developed my own alignment code and contributed to HFT internal alignment and cross checks
- Supported Hao with Sti tracking efficiency studies at the beginning of the year.
- Studies of KF particle package and D0 reconstruction in simulations
- Ongoing contributions to the RNC-HF analysis library (presented by Jochen during the junior day in this last collaboration meeting): Built classes for pair, triplet and quadruplet reconstruction, etc.
- Developed Toy MC package together with Mustafa Mustafa.
- Incorporating MC information into PicoDst maker.
- Set up simulation template for HF decays in Hijing background and supported other students/posdocs in the their own studies.
- EPD R&D work: procured material, designed and built tiles and setting up test bench.
- Assisted in installing pEPD in IR and provided online/offline QA for this test.

Rongrong Ma:
1. I have been serving as the MTD soft coordinator since March 2014, and being the contact person for any software-related issues for the MTD group.
2. I developed, implemented, tested the two-iteration production chain for the Run14 MTD data production.
3. In 2014, I also developed the MTD algorithm in HLT, and I will continue working on this later this year.
4. I took one month of MTD on-call shift this year.

Long Ma:
For the service work, I was involved in HFT pixel detector calibration work on alignment and efficiency studies during Run13 and Run14.

Mustafa Mustafa:
Coding and software development:
1)  C++ coding guidelines.
2) Muon Telescope Detector simulation software code review.
3) Forward Gem Tracker point maker code review.
4) StMtdQAMaker code review.
5) Heavy Flavor Tracker - PXL simulators
6) HF embedding helper 2010-2012.
7) Embedding deputy 2012-203.
8) Heavy flavor analysis library. D0 and NPE productions pipelines,
simulations, eventMixing ...
9) HFT embedding (ongoing).

1)  Measurement of TPC gas ωτ and field distortion correction
coefficients using lasers data and verification using Magboltz
2)TPC alignment using HFT and cosmic rays data.

Data analysis:
1) NPE 200GeV/62.4GeV.
2) D0 p+p 200GeV Run12 with Hao.
3) NPE p+p 200GeV Run12 (Xiaozhi).
4) NPE U+U (Katka).
5) D0 Run14 with all its details.
6) NPE Run14 (Kunsu/Xiaozhi/Zhenyu/Xin/Wei/Yifei ...).

1) Work on the PXL slow simulator with Mustafa
2) ZDC on-call expert for run 15

Hao Qiu:
I conducted PXL sectors survey. The running of survey for ~20 sectors took more than 2 months. Even more time was devoted to the development of the survey procedure.
I wrote PXL hit reconstruction makers, including StPxlRawHitMaker, StPxlClusterMaker, StPxlHitMaker and related DB tables, and made sure they run well in STAR BFC.
I improved Sti tracking with HFT, proposing more than 10 modifications which greatly increase HFT tracking efficiency.
I served as the software coordinator for the PXL detector.

I serve as a GPC member of the low pT Jpsi paper.

I set up the main frame for the STAR High Level Trigger (HLT) system. I did the major part of the work for coding the new system including the refinement of tracking software inherited from the previous STAR L3 system, and I added TPC hit transformations and distortion correction maps, BEMC data processing, primary vertex reconstruction, beam line real time calibration and preliminary tracking for the HFT in HLT. I also played an important role in maintaining the HLT during the 2009 -2011 data taking runs.

I initiated the simulation for the STAR inner TPC upgrade.

I was responsible for several items of STAR TPC calibration activities, including space charge and grid leak corrections for Run 8 and Run 9 pp 200 GeV collisions and Run 10 200 GeV AuAu Collisions. I also did t0 calibrations for Run 8 pp 200 GeV collisions, and sector alignment for Run 7, Run 8 and Run 10. I was responsible for creating a new method to use charged particle tracks for TPC sector alignment.

Amilkar Quintero

1) Geant Beam pipe geometry coding and help to update the Geant Ssd geometry.
2) Study of KFVertex vertex finder and compare it with PPV and Minuit. TMVA application to optimize the ranking scheme in STAR
3) QA for the STI, STI-CA and STV tracking method.
4) Develop a conformal mapping method using HFT hits to find primary vertex.
5) Produce misaligned geometry simulation to test several alignment codes for the HFT.
6) Produce survey geometry tables for the SSD.
7) Update the StMcIstHitCollection structure.
8) Inicial attempt for embedding with the HFT.

Yaping Wang
1. IST offline reconstruction and online monitoring software development
and maintaince till March 2015 actually (response to S&C reviews)
2. IST GEANT geometry modeling and fast simulator development
3. IST calibration/alignment (related DB tables and procedures) for
Run14 data taking/production, and IST performance studies.
4. IST calibration for Run15 data taking and later data production
5. IST Sti geometry modelling and check (with S&C group)
6. Integration work on IST embedding software (with Leszek, ended in
August 2014)
7. Simulations: B tagged jet projections for HFT and HFT+ (with Zhenyu)

Guannan Xie
In the Past year, I have done some service work together with my supervisor and co-supervisors.
The main work that i can grabbed list below,
1) Pico QA and Centrality definition for Run14 AuAu200GeV (with Alex,Xin,Hao)
2) 4 months PXL survey work for Run15. Will continue this work for Run16. ( with Hao)
3) Run14 HFT online QA Monitor.(with Shusu)
4) HFT+ simulation. (with Xin)

Qian Yang:
on-call for MTD/TOF for run15, two months for the on-call. Help commission VPD MB trigger for run14 and run15.
Optimize the MTD matching software, and now work with trigger group on the VPD timing resolution improvement. The latter one is critical to provide 1-2 cm online vpd vz resolution for HFT MB program in run16. He does not intend to attend QM15.

Long Zhou
1. Full time help on SSD Run14 commissioning run.
2. SSD Daq maker development and maintains.
3. SSD Run14 Correction table development
4. SSD online monitor development
5. SSD CMN algorithm study and test.