Details of Prompt-hit and BBC

 I checked distribution of hit position of prompt-hit and ADC & TDC of BBC since last week's EPD meeting.
But, I haven't made plot of v2 yet.
For example, pT dependence of v2.
Here is the link for slides:

Details of slides

  • I changed my z-vertex cut wider(2,4 cm to 6 cm)


  • Explanation of Prompt-hit(no change from last week)


  • Distribution of hit position of prompt-hit.
  • From top-right panel, some TPC sector seemed not to work well. So I will need to correct by using 1/eff method.


  • On this slide, left panel shows phi-eta* distribution and right panel shows phi-r distribution. Same as you can see on slide5, some TPC sectors do not have enough efficiency.


  • ADC-sum using only inner ring distribution and ADC v.s. TDC are shown in this slide. I will try ADC-weighting method from this week. Also, if possible, fitting ADC distribution method.


  • Real event(red) and mix event(blue) are shown on this slide.
  • By pair-cut, around delta-phi=0, yield got lower.


  • Since yield got lower around delta-phi=0, as you can see on previous slide, this can be cause of disappearance of peak.