SVN Repository Access

We set up a Subversion repository at MIT to track a few pieces of software that many of us are using, but that don't fit into the STAR framework.

Browsing and Checking Out Code

will allow you to browse the contents of the repository.  You'll need to have a Subversion client installed in order to check out code.  Simplest way on a Mac is to do

fink install svn-client

although there are also binary .pkg installers floating around for most eveery platform if you'd prefer to go that route.  Then do

svn co

Committing Changes

The web server doesn't do any authentication, so if you plan on committing changes to these packages you'll need to be added to the svnusers group on deltag5 and you'll also need to use ssh to get your working copy:

svn co svn+ssh://

In that case, make sure that your .bashrc on deltag5 adds /usr/local/bin to your $PATH.  Note that this method may ask you for your password as much as 4 times, so publickey authentication is your friend (see SSHKeychain for Macs).

For more information on Subversion (basically the successor to CVS) take a look at