HIJING production for Run14 NPE analysis

Production reqeusts

1. 1M Events for test production with MB (0-15fm), |Vz| < 6cm 
2. Output file : PicoDst
3. Embedding particle :
1. Gamma 700/event (flat 0 < pT < 20, flat -1 < y < 1)
2. Pi0 100/event 90% 2gamma 10% Dalitz decay  (flat 0 < pT < 20, flat -1 < y < 1, Geant ID = 149)
3. Eta 100/event 90% 2gamma 10% Dalitz decay  (flat 0 < pT < 20, flat -1 < y < 1, Geant ID = 147)
4. electron 5/event (flat 0 < pT < 10, flat -1 < y < 1)
5. positron 5/event (flat 0 < pT < 10, flat -1 < y < 1)
6. pion+ 1/event (flat 0 < pT < 10, flat -1 < y < 1)
7. pion- 1/event (flat 0 < pT < 10, flat -1 < y < 1)
8. D0 1/event semi-leptonic decay (D0->Kev 100%) (flat 0 < pT < 20, flat -1 < y < 1, Geant ID = 37)
9. D0bar 1/event semi-leptonic decay (D0->Kev 100%) (flat 0 < pT < 20, flat -1 < y < 1, Geant ID = 38)
4. Production library : SL16d
5. Production chain : y2014a,event,tpc,fzin,geantout,tpcrs,TpcHitMover,TpxClu,evout,-HitFilt
6. Production chain for PXL reconstruction : y2014a,event,McEvent,MuDst,in,sim_T,gen_T,geantout,evout,FieldOn,AgML,usexgeom,MakeEvent,ITTF,Sti,NoSsdIt,N oSvtIt,StiHftC,pxlFastSim,pxlCluster,pxlHit,istFastSim,Idst,BAna,l0,Tree,logger,genvtx,tpcDB,bbcSim,btofsim,emcY2, EEfs,evout,-dstout,IdTruth,big,McEvout,MiniMcMk,McAna,ReadAll,clearmem
1. Pixelization
2. HFT effeicnecy and masking table

Production codes (rcf) 


How to run for full production

./submit_full.sh [START NUMBER] [NUMBER OF JOBS] [option for output files directory]

Full Sample (1M events)  

1. TPC+HFT reconstruction (.picoDst.root) :
2. TPC reconstruction (.event.root, .geant.root, .hist.root, .runco.root, only 150k for test production :


1. new particle definition in pams/sim/gstar/gstar_part.g
L#321-322 : pi0 daltiz
L#324-325 : eta dalitz
L#277-278 : D0 to Kev
L#281-282 : D0_bar to Kev
2. starsim.hijing.Lc.C
3. StRoot
4. run.sh
5. makePicoDst.C
6. submit.sh and submit.xml

QA plots 
