NPE weekly meeting 180419

 1. Single electron efficiency: nCommon and dpT cuts will be removed because we don’t know real momentum in data also, these cut will be included the effects of real to RC track.

- check efficiency without dpT

- check efficiency  without nCommon

- check efficiency  without dpT and nCommon 

2. Photonic electron reconstruction efficiency: difference of relative contributions between RUN15 and 12

- Shenghui used tight mass cut and 

- sources (gamma, eta, pi0 pT spectra) pT spectra should be check with Shenghui.

3. BHT2 statistics is small because I used VzDiff cut which is related with VPD, and the VPD efficiency is small in pp collision it will be decreased. -> the VzDiff cut in BHT2 event should be removed. -> after then we can change to Vz cut from 30 to 80 cm if needed.

4. RUN12 result is underestimated because wrong TB corrected. It should be checked.