First shot at FGT R-Z plane track recon

 First Shot at FGT R-Z Plane Track Reconstruction


The following analysis was done on the first 10,000 events from the daq file /star/data03/daq/061/13061013p_jb/st_physics_13061013_raw_1010001.daq.


1. Use Anselm's cluster finder to find only R clusters.

2. For each quadrant, I pick the cluster with the largest maxAdc. 

3. Demand that at least three quadrants in the same phi have a cluster.

4. Put 1 cm uniform error to all R-position of each cluster. The R-position is calculated by the cluster finder. 

5. Do a simple line fit on R-Z plane.

6. Compute the intercept with R=0 from the fit function.




Fig. 1. Distribution of the size of the cluster in quadrant 1A





Fig. 2. An example of one of the best events. See attached pdfs for many examples of good (chi2/dof < 16) and bad (all the rest) tracks.




Fig. 3. Distribution of chi2/dof with 1 cm unform error for R-position




Fig. 4. Distribution of the intercept with R=0. Upper histogram is all chi2/dof, and the filled histogram is for chi2/dof < 1 (fit line passes all clusters within 1 cm on average).