CuAu FGT runs

CuAu FGT Trigger 


Stephen generated muDsts for the first few FGT runs taken during the CuAu running. The number of events seems to be around 12K for the run I analyzed, so I looked at about the same number of events from one of the HV scan runs. 

CuAu: run 13144118

HV scan: run 13109039 (+250V)

While  I am still working on getting the sum3 clutering to work at an earlier stage of anlaysis so as to reduce the data volume for my analysis, I've made a few plots based on the existing scripts.


Fig. 1. Cluster multiplicity for the official clustering




Fig. 2. Efficiency for the CuAu run



Fig. 3. Case plots and Vertex correlation



Fig. 4. Charge matching