FCS Ecal pi0 for run22 data
- production type: production_pp500_2022
- data stream: st_fwd
- event generation: before (include) day 360, use daq files then by BFC process to get the analysis result; after (include) day 361, use MuDst files to analyze.
- trigger: all the FCS trigger (not apply any FCS trigger filter)
- photon candidate: FCS cluster
- vertex z: ??? (not sure how the source of vertex z)
- cluster z: offset_z + ShowerMax_z * cos(a) - ShowerMax_x * sin(x) - vertex_z; where a is the detector angle.
- cluster four-vector: (E,x,y,z), mass is 0
- event selection: same as previous study
1. gain : 5.3 MeV/ch (default)
2. TOF mult < 20 (before day 360, starting day 361 will skip this cut)
3. each cluster energy > 1 GeV
4. energy asymmetry for cluster pair < 0.7
5. keep the only best cluster pair with highest energy
- Invariant mass plot position: https://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/spin/liangxl/run22pp500/2021/$day (for runs in 2022, will use https://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/spin/liangxl/run22pp500/2022/$day)
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