FEE box NW filled

The EPD FEE box on the NW corner of STAR has been filled.  In my opinion, it has a real beauty and serious economy of space.  The fibers have room to gently bend, and there is no strain on the end connectors.  This is a really nice design-- thanks much to Gerard and Isaac!

But if anyone (ahem, Gerard :) thinks they will be able to slide out a FEE card simply by moving neighboring cables a little to the side, I beg to disagree!

Finally, I must say the printed "stockade" pieces that organize the incoming fibers and outgoing MDR cables, are critical and work great.

Rosi took a nicer photo of the SE box:

This FEE box may be compared to the prototype FEE box, below, which was at least twice as large and held 16 times fewer channels!  Photo circa December 2015.