Embedding request - dAu D0, HIJING

Embedding of D0 and anti-D0 into zerobias events + Hijing for efficiency corrections which include effects of vertex resolutions.

Particle: D0, anti-D0 embedd into zerobias events + HIJING
Decay channel: D0->π+K-, anti-D0->π-K+

Real data: d+Au 200GeV Run16 st_physics 
Library: SL18b
Production chain: P17id

Bad runs: 17140007, 7134025, 17134026, 17136001, 17136020,17136023, 17136049

VzTpc-VzVpd: (-6,6) cm
VzTpc: (-6, 6) cm

D0/anti-D0  distribution:
Phi : (0, 2pi) flat
Rapidity: (-1.1, 1.1) flat
pT: (0, 8) GeV ,  weighted
    weight function f(x) = “1.0/([0]+[1]*x+[2]*x*x+[3]*x*x*x)
    parameters (0,1,2,3) = (0.0239696, -0.0503129, 0.0556806, -0.0041924)

Eta: (-1, 1) flat
Phi: (0, 2π) in radian flat

D0 per event: 1
Number of events: 1M for each particle species (D0, anti-D0), together 2M