TOF OPS: Gas System History

 -17 -17 12/14/09 Isobutane flow started

 -3 -3 12/28/09 Run-10 collisions started

 43 43 02/12/10 Air injected

 90 90 03/31/10 Drier disabled

 92 92 04/02/10 PIDC 09.2->13.0 (begin overpressure)

 94 94 04/04/10 PIDC 13.0->14.0

105 105 04/15/10 PIDC 14.0->13.0

113 113 04/26/10 Aux path started

114 114 04/26/10 PIDC 13.0->12.0

114 114 04/27/10 PIDC 12.0->11.0

117 117 04/30/10 PIDC 11.0->10.0

130 130 05/10/10 PIDC 10.0->11.0

147 147 05/27/10 Recirc->Purge

208 208 07/27/10 Gas flow stopped

264 264 09/21/10 N2 flow started

341 341 12/07/10 Freon flow started (pole tip & MTD tests)

351 351 12/17/10 Freon flow stopped

 11 376 01/13/11 Freon flow started

 19 384 01/19/11 Isobutane flow started

 25 389 01/24/11 Run-11 collisions started

 25 390 01/25/11 MCW temperature elevated

 27 392 01/27/11 LV stays on

 61 426 03/02/11 O2/H20 monitoring started

 64 429 03/05/11 O2/H20 monitoring stopped

 66 431 03/07/11 HV off (RHIC Cryo problem)

 75 440 03/16/11 HV on (end of Cryo problem)

 89 454 03/30/11 Flow 1500ccm->1000ccm

105 470 04/15/11 Flow 1000ccm->1500ccm 

108 473 04/18/11 Changeover from p+p 500 to Au+Au 19.6

180 545 06/29/11 Gas flow stopped

188 553 07/07/11 N2 flow started

336 701 12/02/11 Freon Flow started (TOF only), 1900ccm

345 710 12/11/11 Flow 1900ccm->500ccm

350 715 12/16/11 Gas flow stopped

027 757 01/27/12 Gas flow started 1500ccm

075 805 03/15/12 Isobutane bottle empty - new one installed

114 844 04/23/12 pp500 ends

136 866 05/15/12 Isobutane bottle empty - new one installed

136 866 05/15/12 MTD loop rate increased to 180ccm, flow direction reversed