Notes on using the EPD fast simulator (StEpdFastSim)

Mike wrote a fast simulator for EPD:

1. fix bug in StEpdFastSim/StEpdFastSim.cxx

double xHit = PrimVertex.X() + deltaZ*sin(mom->Theta())*cos(mom->Phi());
double yHit = PrimVertex.Y() + deltaZ*sin(mom->Theta())*sin(mom->Phi());

double xHit = PrimVertex.X() + deltaZ*fabs(tan(mom->Theta()))*cos(mom->Phi()); double yHit = PrimVertex.Y() + deltaZ*fabs(tan(mom->Theta()))*sin(mom->Phi());
Note: 1) the absolute value is IMPORTANT, otherwise the second term in xHit (or yHit) will have a wrong sign for the East EPD (i.e pi/2<\theta<pi).
         2) Use "fabs" instead of "abs"!
 "abs" is for integers.

2. Required modifications related to StPicoEvent/StPicoEpdHit

StPicoEpdHit has the following method for the real STAR data:
/// if the tile is identified as bad in the database, returns zero.  Note you /// can always access the raw ADC value, regardless of good/bad Float_t nMIP() const              { return this->isGood() ? mnMIP : 0.0; }
However, in the simulation, no tile has the "isGood()" information (i.e ->isGood() always returns zero) therefore nMIP() will always return 0. There are two ways to get it work for the simulation:

1) modify StPicoEvent/StPicoEpdHit.h to:

Float_t nMIP() const              { return mnMIP; } 

2) modify StEpdFastSim.cxx (this should be a better way, because I don't have to change and checkout StPicoEpdHit.h in my working directory every time I need to use the simulation):
When a StPicoEpdHit was initialized, besides setId() and setnMIP(), also setQTdata() to a value (to be decided) that will get the isGood() method return "true". 

3. Use the EPD simulator on RCF
Following is how I got it work on RCF, howe
ver I have no idea why it worked or why other ways failed :( 
PS: it seems that cons only works two levels down  

1) cvs co StRoot/StEpdUtil : there will be a sub-directory called StEpdFastSim/
2) cp -r StRoot/StEpdUtil/StEpdFastSim/ StRoot/
3) need to change the path of StEpdGeom in StRoot/StEpdFastSim/StEpdFastSim.cxx
4) add a linkDef file in StRoot /StEpdFastSim/:
        vim StRoot/StEpdFastSim/StEpdFastSimLinkDef.h
        #ifdef __CINT__
        #pragma link off all globals;
        #pragma link off all classes;
        #pragma link off all functions;
        #pragma link C++ class StEpdFastSim;
        #pragma link C++ class StEpdTrivialEventGenerator;

Note: there is no “+” behind the class name   

5) cons
6) error about TVector3
7) vim .sl73_gcc485/obj/StRoot/StEpdFastSim/StEpdFastSim_Cint.cxx
Add #include "TVector3.h”
8) cons
9) Now it should be good to go! Weirdly, StRoot/StEpdFastSim/ is now useless and can be deleted, it will not even be called (modifications in the code won't have any effect).

10) In RunSimulator.C:

4. "Move EPD/beam around"

The EPD fast simulator is also a good tool to study what will happen if the EPD/beam "move around" (e.g shift, tilt, shift+tilt...). It only requires some change in the macro RunSimulator.C
(in principle, you don't need to change StEpdFastSim.cxx at all. But in practice, It could be useful to change it a little bit depending on what exactly you are interested in, you will see soon):

1) Shift 
In order to shift the EPD/Beam, just give the Primary Vertex an offset. e.g setting PV to (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) (step c in RunSimulator.C) equals shifting the beam pipe 1 cm along x or shifting the EPD 1 cm along -x. As a result, there will be a peak around 0 in the dN/dphi distribution for a EPD ring and the b will be the same for east and west EPD.
Side note:
a) need to modify StEpdFastSim.cxx otherwise it will not allow Vx>0.5 or Vy >0.5 
b) If you want the number of particles hitting each tile instead of the "nMIP" value (e.g when plotting dN/dphi), you can change dE from mRan->Landau(1.0,mWID) to 1.0  in StEpdFastSim.cxx

2) Tilt
In order to tilt the beam or the EPD with an angle, just Rotate the generated tracks with an angle. e.g mom->RotateX(0.1) (step b in RunSimulator) is to rotate the beam couter-clockwise around the X-axis for 0.1 rad (Note: I believe it is not the same as rotating the EPD around x-axis by 0,1 rad). As a result, there will be a peak around -pi/2 on the west and around pi/2 on the east. 

3) Shift+tilt 
e.g when simulating a tilted beam effect and vz is not at zero, then both "shit" and "tilt" are needed. 
5. Studies using the EPD Fast Simulator: