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HF-PWG minutes 2016/03/03
dAu trigger:
- HFT: will participate in the higher energies, but not so sure about the lower eneries. Need to determine online vertex cut to saturate the band width. Will discuss within HFT and come back to trigger board.
- MTD: run dimuon and emuon triggers
- BEMC: run regular HT triggers
Run15 data production: MTD group proposes to reconstruct st_mtd data without HFT in tracking.
- HFT will try to deliver the following studies wihtin one week, which should help determine the impact of HFT tracking on MTD analyses
-- What is the improvement in momentum resolution for primary tracks when HFT is used in tracking for both pp and pA data? Some toy-model simulation is needed.
-- What is the mismatch rate of between TPC and HFT for both pp and pA data? Data-driven estimation will be carried out.
-- What is the impact on vertex reconstruction with HFT included in tracking? This is mainly for D0 analysis. The solution is to reconstruct vertex by analysis as an afterburner.
Within 1 week, the HFT group will determine whether they are ready for the Run15 production. They will come back to PWG with the decision, and discuss the priority between st_mtd and st_ssdmb. Since st_mtd is a much smaller data set, it could be reconstructed first.
Michael D0 v3:
- More systematic uncertainties are coming along
- Still need to resolve the discrepancy in hadron v3 w.r.t. the publication
- Only SUBTECH model for comparison
- intend to submit an abstract to SQM
Hao HFT bug: a bug is fixed in HFT software which increases the HFT efficiency by a factor of 2 for single tracks. In light of this and the D0 v2 paper, will need to think about the reproduction of Run14 MB data.
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