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HF-PWG minutes 2016/04/21
1) QA of Run15 pp200: a first look at the D0 signal in HT triggered events in pp collisions at 200 GeV from Run15. Several checks/comments were proposed at the meeting for the PA:
- Check if the fraction of events rejected by the vertex cuts (~50%) is consistent with other pp 20 GeV analysis. Also need to look at the ranking of the default primary vertex. Negative-ranked vertices could contibute to the events with large TofMult but small and roughly constant RefMult.
- Two bands are seen for <RefMult> as a function of BBC or ZDC rates. Need to check if this is due to malfunctioning TPC RDOs.
- Use clean pi/k sample to check if nSigma_TOF is centered at 0 with width of about 1.
- For eta vs pt distribution of kaon, check if the different shape below and above 1.6 GeV/c is due to contamination at low pT.
- For the D0 signal, need to require the decayed pion actually point to the BEMC tower that fired the trigger. Otherwise, it is very difficult to correct for trigger bias.
- The significance of D* is better than D0, which is probably due to the additional constraint of the third soft pion.
2) Jpsi event activity in Run12 pp200: the signal extraction and a large part of efficiency * acceptance correction have already been done.
- PA requested to produce low-luminosity run from Run12 to extract the multiplicity distribution without imposing ranking cut on the events. The hope is that the pileup effect is so small in the low-luminosity runs that the rankning cut is not necessary. This request has already been put forward to Jerome and Frank.
- Need to check vertex finding efficiency as a function of Jpsi pT and event multiplicity. Both Pythia study and data driven methods were discussed, but some R&D is probably needed.
- For the Quarkonium Workshop, the practical proposal is to follow the pp 500 GeV analysis presented as HP2015, where systematic uncertainty was assigned to account for the uncertainty in MB distribution.
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