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HF-PWG minutes 2016/05/05
1) Shenghui showed the initial results of NPE using Run14 AuAu 200 GeV data.
i) Due to the influence of HFT, global tracks are used and selected with a tight DCA cut. Also, the 1/beta is re-calcualted by hand for these global tracks.
ii) Zack will try to constrain the nSigmaE distribution of hadrons using pure hadron sample
iii) There is a mysterial increase of TPC tracking efficiency using Jpsi decayed electrons from embedding around 2 GeV/c. Investigations are ongoing.
iv) Embedding requests will be put forward to extract various efficiencies.
2) Siwei showed the estimation of some systematic uncertainty for Jpsi polarization measurements in pp 200 GeV
i) Requested to show the raw signal distribution in different cosphi and theta bins. Signal extraction and associated uncertainty need to be addressed.
ii) Requested to compare the results with the published results
iii) More systematics are under the way
iv) Aim to show preliminary results at a conference in early June
3) Mustafa showed the D0 signal using ~9M reproduced HFT data with bug fixed. The signal significance is increased by a factor of 4-6 due to both the increase in the signal efficiency and decrease in combinatorial background. The results look very promising.
The production priority from the HFT group is:
i) Re-production of Run14 data
ii) Run15 pp data set
iii) Run16 AuAu data
iv) Run16 dAu data
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