HF-PWG minutes 2017/01/27

14) D0 in Run12 Cu+Au - Miro Saur
a. check Ncoll for 10-40% central Au+Au collisions to see if it is closer to the Cu+Au collisions.

15) Jpsi v2 in Run12 U+U - Alena Harlenderova
a. remove the phi meson v2 from the plot

16) Upsilon in Run11 p+p 500 - Leszek Kosarzewski
a. separate out the correlationed and uncorrelated systematic uncertainties
b. try to get the theory calcualtions for Y cross-section and compare it to data

17) Charmonion in Run15 p+p/Au - Takahito Todoroki
a. refined the vertex selection procedure
b. need to check the trigger bias factor.