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HF-PWG minutes 2017/06/15
1) D0 v1 analysis in Run14 AuAu - Subhash & Nasim
2) D0 v1 analysis in Run14+16 AuAu - Sooraj Radhakrishnan
Two presentations on D0 v1 measurements were given by Subhash and Sooraj.
- Subhash's analysis is based on 2014 data only while Sooraj uses both 2014 and 2016 data. Both of the analyses are processing the full 2016 data set.
- Comparisons are made between the two analyses using only 2014 data. Even though the extracted v1 slopes are consistent within statistical errors, sizable differences show up for individual v1 points. The largest difference is for 0.5 < y < 1 bin. The cause is probably due to different PID cuts used. Sooraj uses more loose cuts compared to Subash. The analyzers will work on an apple-to-apple comparison by using same PID cuts.
- Comparisons are made between 2014 and 2016 data by Sooraj. For D0 v1, an overall shift in terms of v1 magnitude is seen, which could be related to a similar shift, but with much smaller magnitude, seen for pions matched to HFT. For anti-D0, the slopes between 2014 and 2016 differ by 2-3 sigma. Looking at individual v1 points, the largest difference comes again from 0.5 < y < 1 bin. It was suggested to take a closer look at this particular rapidity bin to search for possible issues.
- Currently, the D0 efficiency is applied assuming no rapidity dependence. Sooraj will check if this is indeed the case. If not, the final results could be affected
- It was suggested that PAs can work together and produce one set of final results. If needed, conveners can intervene.
3) Vertex resolution correction for Ds in Run14 AuAu - Md. Nasim
The correction factors due to finite vertex resolution are worked out for Ds meson using HIJING simulation.
a) A constant fit over pT is currently used to extract the correction factors for different centralities. However, there is no a prior reason why the correction factor should be independent of pT. More investigations are needed.
b) In 70-80% centrality bin, the correction factor is ~ 0.4 for Ds and ~ 0.3 for D0. PA indicated that the difference could be due to different topological cuts. However, changes in topological cuts do not seem to make a big difference in the correction factor as illustrated in the systematic study (slide 9). Suggested to vary more dramatically the topological cuts to see the effect on the correction factor.
c) The Ds/D0 ratios are seen to be similar between 0-10%, 10-40% and 40-60%. It will be interesting to check the centrality dependence for light flavor hadrons.
d) The paper proposal for Ds will follow shortly after the D0 paper proposal.
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