HF-PWG minutes 2017/08/10

1) D* from Run14 AuAu 200 GeV - Yuanjiang Ji
a. Suggest to add the residual background component for the signal extraction
b. The signal width decreases with increasing pT, which could be due to the increasing mis-match to HFT hits at low pT. Need to check if one can reproduce the behavior in simulation.

2) Lc from Run14 AuAu 200 GeV - Miroslav Simko
a. Mixed-event framework for three-body decay is developed. It will be nice to share it with other analyzers for code reuse and cross-check.
b. Evaluate the efficiencies for Lc+ and Lc- separately. They could be different due to difference acceptance*efficiency.

3) J/psi v2 in Run12 UU 193 GeV - Alena Harlenderova 
a. Cross-check with Au+Au analysis to see if the estimated v2 from pp collisions are consistent
b. Suggest to apply the event weight and efficiency as a weight to J/psi counts vs. relative angle. However, the event weights for U+U collisions are not available yet. A central effort from STAR is probably needed since several analyses depend on this.
c. Show the details of efficiency estimations for TPC/TOF/BEMC

4) Toy MC study for J/psi polarization - Rongrong Ma
a. Need further investigation on the bias in the extracted Lambad_phi values
b. Need to do 2D scale of (Ltheta, Lphi)

5) J/psi polarization in Run15 pp 200 GeV - Zhen Liu
a. Need to define a criteria to stop the iteration
b. Need to check the systematic uncertainties for signal extraction. Compare the results from the two methods.