1. How to create a directory under PWG area?
a. AFS: 
Typical recipe for creating such directories for user $X (user's rcf account name):
mkdir $X 
fs sa $X $X rlidwk

b. PDSF: /global/project/projectdirs/star/pwg/starhf
The directories are write protected to the 'starhf' group.  A user needs to be in that unix group, and then can create a directory himself.

2. How to grant permission to new conveners for PWG area?
i) Check the list of users who current have administrative permission: 
fs la /afs/

ii) Current administrators can grant permission using:
%find . -type d -exec fs sa {} $UserID rlidwka \;

iii) Remove permissions for outgoing conveners: 

% find . -type d -exec fs sa {} $UserId none \;

but remember they usually have a sub-dictreory created with their name
so you need to also re-add afterward

%  find $UserId/ -type d -exec fs sa {} $UserId rlidwka \;

[note that in this case, the is no "a"]