Changes done to private code to run using public StEvent directory in CVS

  In order to run the first steps of the offline alignment using the public version of StEvent that is present in CVS directory a couple of changes were necesary (in my private directories) in order to make them compatible with the new hit containers. 

  First error in compilaiton involved a change in the naming convention in: "StRoot/StPxlSimMaker/StPxlSimMaker.cxx" where it was necesary to change:
"setPixelHitCollection" -> "setPxlHitCollection".

  The second correction involved an error in the Hit loader in "StRoot/StiRnd/Hft/StiPixelHitLoader.cxx":

In the new version of StEvent the hits are classified in the hierarchy Sector->Ladder->Sensor, and so when trying to load the hits in the old code in one go the code breaks. Hence it was necesarry to add loops over each sector, ladder and sensor and load the hits in order. Essentially I replaced the line:


with the loops:

And closed them at the end of the code, after counting all the hits.  These changed files can be found within my private directory following the path "~mlomnitz/HFT/TESTcvs"