Attenuation correction for photon energy :

From Single particle Simulations : 

For Small towers (20 GeV normalization point):
TF1 *EDepCorrection2=new TF1("EDepCorrection","(1.3-exp(-(x**[1])/[0]))",0,130);
par 0 : 2.07
par 1 : 0.24

For Large towers (12.5 GeV normalization point) :
TF1 *EDepCorrection2=new TF1("EDepCorrection","(1.3-exp(-(x**[1])/[0]))",0,130);
par 0 : 2.17
par 1 : 0.28

Sampling  fraction : currently used 0.35 for all  the towers

Setting SF = 0.33 for small towers  and  SF = 0.30 for large towers, the normalization value=1 should pass through 20 GeV (small) and 12.5 GeV (large). The figure below verify that and may be SF should be changed accordingly.