7 pattern test 05/05/2023
7 pattern test done according to Mike's instructions. UWAGA: 0 pattern added! https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/lisa/how-check-mapping-vped-patterns-step-step
Rhic clock clean: 24125032
0 pattern: 24125033
1 pattern: 24125034
2 pattern: 24125035
3 pattern: 24125036
4 pattern: 24125037
5 pattern: 24125038
6 pattern: 24125039
7 pattern: 24125040
Useful to copy files without setting output paths in listoffile : hpss_user.pl -r outPutDir -f listoffile.list
Files copied to: /star/u/mstefaniak/EPD/test7Pattern05may23/
Firstly, I used "old" code.
The output from the new Rosi's one where she:
"The difference is that I have the Bs and Cs as separate ADC <-> threshold levels AND I hacked in the D locations so they are set to the C thresholds."
it is available at: /star/u/rjreed/EPD2023/MappingCheck05042023/AnalyzePedAsPhysRun.C
the output is named: 7pattern_Rosi_new.pdf
the only visible differences are in few tiles which became "grey" - not sure how to understand it.
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