First Comsic Analysis

 First look on the cosmic radiation with EPD done by Maria :)

ssh -A -Y ****
ssh -t -A -Y
rterm -I
stardev (I am trying starnew now, since dev does not work today)

1) New folder:

2) Copy from /ldaphome/rjreed/EpdReader2023/:

Compile: cons

3) to get dat files from /trgdata one have to run:

bash day run #files
for example:
bash 121 56 30

Rosi: "The *.dat files are grouped in 10k events, so if the run has 300k collisions, the last argument should be 30 to get all the data."
detailed information what is happening available at:

Takes some time... 

Output: folder named of 24+day (24121) full of .root files like : epdhist.24121056.21.root

4) Mapping (from crates and boards to PP and Tiles):
go to newly created folder
cp ../map_EpdHistos.C .
hadd epdhist.RUNNUMBER.root epdhist.RUNNUMBER.*root
root4star -q -b 'map_EpdHistos.C("epdhist.RUNNUMBER.root")'. for ech file-> CHANGE THE TIME STAMP! Tristan swapped the channel for the dead tile W PP6 TT1!

5) Send .root by mail: 
echo "mail text" | mailx -s "mapped_epdhist" -a mapped_epdhist.2412502.root mzs***

6) Run code (attached)
root -l 'AnalyzeCosmics.C("runnumber")'

7) Output for runs: 24134001, 24134002, 24134003, 24134004, 24134005, 24134006, 24134009