Embedding NFit dependece on refMult


This is a continuation of the embadding vs. real NFit mismatch investigation.

1) The production which was done with 15 embedded particles / event showed a mismatch in the NFit


2) By changing the number of embedded particles to 0.05*refMult we got a much better matching

3) In order to see the reason behind this dependence on the number of particles we looked at the NFit in different refMult bins.

  15/event 0.05*refMult
refMult = 0-124
refMult >316


4) I conclude from the above table of plots that there is a problem with embedding in peripheral events. The reason that we don't see the mismatch in 0.05*refMult is because we get much less number of particles embedded in low refMult events and we scale our histograms by (1/Ntrk) the contribution of the tracks embedded in peripheral events is diminished. So the mismatch is there whether we use 0.05*refMult or a fixed number of particles per event.




More hists in AuAu39GeV: http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/mstftsm/2011/apr/12/embedding-nfit-dependece-refmult-auau39gev

QAs in refMult bins:




