ry2009d and cone support material


 This entry is to summarize the status of the ry2009a and ry2009d comparison. 
The following is a comment on the geomtry change:

"* Revision 1.224  2011/03/11 00:05:18  jwebb
* Added Y2008d, Y2009d, Y2010c and updated Y2011 geometry tags.  These tags
* now contain an improved model of the SVT support cone... specifically the
* support rods.  Previous geometry assumed solid carbon.  Now we assume a
* carbon-fiber nomex sandwich."

source: http://www.star.bnl.gov/cgi-bin/protected/cvsweb.cgi/pams/geometry/scongeo/scongeo.g

To study the changes effects, we produced a sample of gamma embedding in pp500GeV

Test sample:


The following plots have been prepared by Wei Li. Sources:
Old QA: http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/heavy/liwei/embedding/gamma_run9_pp500/run9_pp500_full_gamma_QA.pdf
New QA: http://portal.nersc.gov/project/star/liwei/embedding/ry2009d_pp500-gamma_QA.pdf
dN/dR: http://portal.nersc.gov/project/star/liwei/embedding/gamma_MC_vertex.pdf
Eff. Comp. : http://portal.nersc.gov/project/star/liwei/embedding/gamma_eff_comparison.gif
Eff. Vs. Phi: http://portal.nersc.gov/project/star/liwei/embedding/eff_phi.pdf
Eff. from Pi0: 

Particularly interesting:

Reduction in material:

Conversion electrons phi ry2009a Conversion electrons phi ry2009d

Change in efficiency:

6<pT<8 pT>8