D0 signal - PR - Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Official Production

Events cuts:
- |Vz| < 6.0cm
- |Vz-VzVpd| < 3.0cm

Tracking and PID cuts:
- nHitsFit > 20 && nHitsFit/nHitsPoss > 0.52
- at least one hit in every layer of PXL and IST. 
- pT > 1.2 for kaons and pions
- |nSigmaPion| < 3.0 
- |nSigmaKaon| < 2.0

HFT cuts (Topological cuts):
- cos(θ) > 0.995
- dcaDaughters < 50μm
- dca(K) and dca(π) > 80μm
- 1.6 < mass < 2.1

Fit and paramters:
TF1 * fun = new TF1("fun","gaus+expo(3)",1.66,2.1);

   NAME      VALUE            ERROR     
 p0           2.89095e+02   1.86730e+01 
 p1           1.86657e+00   1.22912e-03 
 p2           1.79165e-02   1.33127e-03 
 p3           8.83749e+00   1.11572e-01 
 p4          -1.48956e+00   6.00886e-02