
Title: Measurement of correlation between different order flow harmonics and event plane angles in heavy-ion collision in STAR.

Md Nasim (for the STAR collaboration)

Relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments aim to study the formation and evolution of a strongly interacting matter called Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). Initial spatial anisotropy and/or quantum fluctuations of the positions of the colliding nucleons lead to development of anisotropic collective expansion of the QGP medium. The magnitude of anisotropic flow harmonics ($v_{n}$) fluctuates from collision to collision. Correlations between different order flow harmonics and different order event planes are predicted to be sensitive to transport properties of the produced medium in heavy-ion collision. Therefore, measurement of such correlations can provide stronger constraints on initial conditions in theoretical models in combination with standard $v_{n}$ measurement. We present the measurement of correlations between different order flow harmonics and event planes in Au+Au collisions using STAR detector. Results will be presented as a function of centrality and center-of-mass energy.