2nd attempt at Run 6 Simulation

This is a follow-up to the last blog page that took an initial look at the run 6 simulation. This includes all of the simulation data. The difference here is that a trigger simulator was included in the code/macro to specifically emulate the L2Egamma trigger as well as being normalized. They are again fitted without an eta peak, and look very similar to the first attempt (i.e. no eta peaks and drastically changing pion centroid).

Here are the scale factors for the four partonic pT bins (scaled relative to the last bin):

4-6 pT: 1.2939

6-9 pT: 1.3014

9-15 pT: 1.1961

15-35 pT: 1

Beginning fit ranges are 0.03 unless otherwise noted.

4-5 pT:


5-6 pT:


6-7 pT:


7-9 pT (0.035 beginning fit range):


9-35 pT (0.05 beginning range)