Small Run9 simulation sample

 In order to confirm/deny results from the run 6 simulation study that was presented in the last two blog pages ( &, the pi0 code was run over a small set of run 9 jet simulation provided by Brian. The normalization factors are presented below:

4_5 : 29439.252

5_7: 12710.280

7_9: 2168.224

9_11: 513.084

11_15: 207.476

15_25: 40.706

25_1000: 1


Due to the low reconstruction efficiencies of the lower partonic pT bins, the normalization lead to very uneven peaks.

For all pion pT bins: (breaking it into various pT bins yielded nothing better)


Additionally, just the two highest partonic pT bins were examined (15-25 normalized to the 25-1000 pT bin), all pion pT bins:

 0-8 pion pT (nothing came of this):


8-1000 pion pT:




Lastly, the unnormalized combination of the simulation set was examined:

6-9 pion pT (beginning range 0.03):


9-11.5 pion pT (beginning fit range 0.05):


11.5-1000 pion pT (beginning fit range 0.07):


All pion pT: