Quick PT bin look at run 11

 There are three different PT bins: 2-10, 10-13, and 13-17. There are two plots for each bin; the first is the complete fit including the eta meson peak. The second is a fit without including the eta meson peak to demonstrate the stability of the first fit. Note the first PT bin has two additional plots that have shorter beginning fit ranges. The first two plots begin at 0.04, the second set at 0.08 like the rest of the plots. This is to compare how the centroid changes at the lower PT bin by including a larger range; the higher PT bins don't take to the beginning range of 0.04 that well (completely ignore the eta meson peak).


NOTE: In previous blog posts, the curvature term in the background exponential has been p8. It is now p2. p3 is pion amplitude, p4 centroid, etc.


 Range beginning at 0.08: 



