Disk space request for Au+Au 200 GeV (Run14 st_WB stream)
Disk space request for Au+Au 200 GeV (Run14 st_WB stream)
Requester: Nihar Sahoo(nihar@rcf.rhic.bnl.gov),
Saskia Mioduszewski (mio@comp.tamu.edu)
PWG: Jetcorr
Disk space request: ~2TB
Production information:
- Run: 2014
- Data stream: st_WB
- Collision:Au+Au200GeV
- Production: P16g
- Library: SL16g
- Track reconstruction: StiCA
- Vertex finding: “VFMinuit” (DcaZMax = 3cm, RImpactMax =1.5cm,
- MinTrack = 5)
- No HFT tracking for st_WB stream
Trigger sets:
- AuAu_200_production_low_2014
- AuAu_200_production_mid_2014
- AuAu_200_production_high_2014
- AuAu_200_production_2014
File Name: muDst
Physics Analysis and purpose:
Direct-photon trigger recoil jet analysis needs large statistics for high transverse momentum (pT) trigger (range 9 < pT < 30 GeV/c and pT > 30 GeV/c). Hence we start looking at Run14 (st_WB, AuAu 200 GeV) which we expect 18M events. After analyzing Run14 dataset, we found 13M events can be accessed using scheduler (with storage != HPSS) and remaining 6M events can not be accessed. This is discussed in jetcorr meeting (Jul 19, 2017) and presentation file can be found in the following link.
We therefore request for 2TB disk allotment on distributed disk that can be accessed using scheduler.
- nihar's blog
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