HardProbe 2018 abstract

 Measurement of the semi-inclusive distribution of jets recoiling from γdir and π0 triggers in central Au+Au collisions at \sNN = 200 GeV in the STAR experiment

Nihar Ranjan Sahoo (for the STAR collaboration)
Texas A&M University, Texas, USA

 We present a measurement of semi-inclusive recoil jets for both direct-photon and pi0 triggers, with various trigger transverse momentum ranges between 9 GeV/c to 30 GeV/c, in central Au+Au collisions at \sNN= 200 GeV, using the data set taken with an integrated luminosity of 13 nb^-1 in the year 2014 in the STAR experiment. Details of the analysis will be discussed, including correction for the large uncorrelated background to the recoil jet distribution using a mixed-event technique. Finally, we report a comparison between the direct-photon and pi0 triggered recoil jets in central Au+Au collisions and their suppression with respect to that in p+p collision and PYTHIA model at different trigger pT ranges.