Run 15 BEMC Calibration: New Geometrical Veto

 I applied a new geometrical veto, whereby I veto all tracks passing within 90 degrees in Phi of a tower above threshold and I veto tracks that pass through a jet patch adjacent to a jet patch that is above threshold.

I refined the extraction of E/p from the data sample. JP and HT have nearly identical distributions so the method I use for extracting E/p for each sample is largely the same (HT sample has a restricted momentum range to avoid any lingering trigger threshold effects). Both are broken up into momentum bins. The bin sizes were determined so that each bin will have roughly the same amount of tracks in it. The E/p distribution for each bin is determined through an exp+gaus fit, and the gaussian mean is taken as the E/p mean for that bin. Each sample has its binned means fitted with a constant to extract the mean. The mean for JP and HT are averaged together for each ring.
The plots showing the 2D E/p vs p histogram (overlaid with a plot of the mean E/p for each momentum bin and the fit of those means) as well as the E/p distributions of tracks in each momentum bin can be found in the RingFits.pdf. Note that for the outer rings, no HT sample is used, and the vetoing is not applied to the JP sample. Instead extrapolations are used to determine the mean E/p for those rings.