How to make better plots with ROOT

See the attached file.

Please read README first:

1. Files in the "root_patches" directory should go to $ROOTSYS and all be applied to the ROOT sources via commands like:
patch -p0 < "filename.patch"
Recompile ROOT after applying patches.
These patches improve font handling capabilities and PostScript output quality in ROOT.
Patches work with ROOT version 5.22.00.

2. "root_fonts_cm" contains Computer Modern fonts (same fonts that are used in LaTeX by default) and should be in the home directory.
These fonts are free, I took them from public sources and converted into TrueType format.
I have also compiled characters from several fonts into a format of System font which can be used interchangeably by ROOT.

3. ".rootrc" should stay in the home directory and point ROOT to these fonts.

4. ".bashrc" points GhostScript to these fonts as well, so that EPS files produced by ROOT can be converted to PDF via simple "epstopdf" command.

5. Note: Do not save ROOT plots in PDF directly!
Saving in EPS works better with these patches applied.
Save your plots in Canvas.eps and convert via the command:
epstopdf Canvas.eps
to produce Canvas.pdf with all fonts embedded.

Oleksandr Grebenyuk
June 18, 2009