Endcap Dijet Filter Study: Eta Dependant Thresholds

This page details my studies on implimenting eta dependant thresholds into Matt's dijet filtering code. I have modified Matt's code to implement eta dependant thresholds on the Pt of the two jets. This allows me to keep Matt's thresholds for events in which both jets are in the barrel while using lower thresholds for events in which one or both jets go into the endcap.


Pythia filter thresholds:

  • If one jet is in barrel (eta<1.0) and one jet is in endcap (eta>=1.0)
    • High pt jet > 5.0 and low pt jet > 4.0
  • If both jets are in endcap
    • High pt jet > 4.0 and low pt jet > 3.0
  • If both jets are in barrel
    • High pt jet > 10.0 and low pt jet > 7.0


BFC Trigger Filter:

This filter runs in the BFC and accepts events which fire either the JP1, AJP, or BHT3 triggers. The filter also prints out all of the bits from the L2 emc DSM (EM201). I can look at which bits fired to get an idea of whether the event was barrel-barrel, endcap-endcap, or barrel-endcap. The conditions I use are:

  • BB: If ((BJP1 || BAJP1) && (!EJP1 && !EAJP1))
  • EE: If ((!BJP1 && !BAJP1) && (EJP1 || EAJP1))
  • BE: If (((BJP1 || BAJP1) && (EJP1 || EAJP1)) || (JP1 && !BJP1 && !EJP1))


The following table shows the performance of the filter. The first column gives the Pt bin. The second column shows the number of events processed, out of a maximum of 25000. The third column shows how many events passed the pythia filter using the conditions given above. The next three columns show how the events in the third column break down according to the pythia conditions defined at the top of the page. Note: There is a slight ambiguity in that the pytia filter can define two sets of dijets, one having its energy increased by a certain factor, and these two sets don't necessarily have to fall in the same categories. The seventh column gives the number of events which pass the pythia filter and the trigger filter. The next three columns show how the events in column seven break down into barrel-barrel, endcap-endcap, and barrel-endcap events using the criteria defined above in the BFC Trigger Filter section. Column eleven shows the number of events which failed the pythia trigger but had a dijet found after the big full chain. Column twelve gives the number of events which fail the pythia filter, pass the trigger filter and have a dijet found after the big full chain.


Table 1: Results of filtering.

Pt Bin Total Events Passing Pythia Pythia BB Pythia EE Pythia BE Passing Pythia and Trig Pythia Trig BB Pythia Trig EE Pythia Trig BE Fail Pythia Had jet Fail Pythia Pass Trig had jet
2-3 24750 1195 8 474 715 10 3 4 3 0 0
3-4 25000 2887 59 910 1926 46 27 10 9 1 0
7-9 24949 10488 1915 1555 7042 1823 969 639 215 29 13



Changed Pythia Thresholds


After looking at the numbers in the above table I decided to raise the BE pythia filter thresholds from 5 and 4 GeV to 6 and 5 GeV. I include the L0 thresholds used for reference. Note: these thresholds come from run 10179006 and all have been lowered by 1 adc count. GeV = (adc-5)*0.236


  • BEMC-JP-th0 = 19 adc = 3.3 GeV
  • BEMC-JP-th1 = 27 adc = 5.2 GeV
  • BEMC-JP-th2 = 35 adc = 7.1 GeV
  • EEMC-JP-th0 = 17 adc = 2.8 GeV
  • EEMC-JP-th1 = 24 adc = 4.5 GeV
  • EEMC-JP-th2 = 31 adc = 6.1 GeV


The following table is the same as the one above with the addition of two columns at the end. The thirteenth column gives the number of events which fail pythia, pass the trigger filter but had no dijet after the BFC. The last column contains events which pass the trigger filter regardless of other conditions.


Table 2: Filter performance using new thresholds

Pt Total Pass Pythia Pythia BB Pythia EE Pythia BE Passing Pythia and Trig Py Trig BB Py Trig EE Py Trig BE Fail Pythia had dijet Fail Pythia Pass Trig had dijet Fail Pythia Pass Trig no dijet Pass Trig
2-3 25000 749 8 479 263 8 2 3 3 0 0 27 35
3-4 25000 1847 59 910 883 38 21 9 8 0 0 76 114
4-5 24997 3037 120 1155 1772 103 43 38 23 4 0 212 315
5-7 24990 5420 421 1505 3504 404 205 144 55 6 2 470 876
7-9 24949 9668 1915 1555 6218 1762 938 612 212 29 14 1168 2944
9-11 13434 7611 3049 680 3897 2587 1640 637 314 28 14 904 3505
11-15 24681 18301 10297 889 7154 9828 6842 1703 1314 56 37 1902 11767
15-25 24272 21628 15069 388 6208 17277 13528 1513 2285 71 47 1753 19077
25-1000 23994 24277 21098 38 3165 23536 21109 404 2044 61 56 561 24153



Table 3: Filter CPU usage and Disk footprint

Pt Pythia Filter Accept Total Filter Accept Events in Pythia.root Events in MuDst.root Disk Footprint Time
2-3 3.0*10^-2 3.2*10^-4 2.4*10^8 2.6*10^6 1080 GB 89 cpu years
3-4 7.4*10^-2 1.52*10^-3 9.62*10^7 1.98*10^6 353 GB 38 cpu years
4-5 0.12 4.12*10^-3 3.72*10^7 1.28*10^6 187 GB 21 cpu years
5-7 0.22 1.6*10^-2 3.04*10^7 2.26*10^6 170 GB 22 cpu years
7-9 0.39 0.07 8.9*10^6 1.6*10^6 67 GB 11 cpu years
9-11 0.57 0.19 3.1*10^6 1.1*10^6 33 GB 5.2 cpu years
11-15 0.73 0.39 1.6*10^6 8.6*10^5 23 GB 4.1 cpu years
15-25 0.87 0.69 3.37*10^5 2.69*10^5 7 GB 1.2 cpu years
25-1000 0.97 0.94 1.07*10^4 1.03*10^4 0.24 GB 15 cpu days