Small Simulation Details

I have created a small simulation sample to help determine my future simulation needs. The details of what I did as well as several plots showing various kinematic quantities are below.


I have run 10000 events (500 events, 20 instances) in each of 7 pt bins: 4-5, 5-7, 7-9, 9-11, 11-15, 15-25, and 25-1000 GeV. I did not use a pythia level filter for this trial, but I did use the BFC trigger filter and set it to accept events which would have fired JP1, JP2, AJP, or BHT3. I have also lowered the DSM thresholds by one ADC count. The kumac file I use can be found here and the script which runs the Big Full Chain can be found here. All relavent code can be found in /star/u/pagebs/diJetAnalysis/monoJetFilter/timingTest/ .


Pt Bin Ave Pythia Time (sec) BFC Time Per Event (sec) File Size (Gb) # Events Pass Trig Xsection (pb)
4-5 4.7 23317/10k = 2.33 1.2 242 3.15*10^8
5-7 3.57 53534/10k = 5.35 1.4 719 1.36*10^8
7-9 6.28 194508/10k = 19.45 1.8 2044 2.32*10^7
9-11 6.22 346619/10k = 34.66 2.3 3891 5.49*10^6
11-15 9.12 649606/9.5k = 68.38 2.8 5722 (/9.5k) 2.22*10^6
15-25 7.46 526593/8.5k = 61.95 3.5 6553 (/8.5k) 3.92*10^5
25-1000 9.50 833292/9.5k = 87.71 4.0 9153 (/9.5k) 1.07*10^4


The file size includes the .fzd, event.root, geant.root, hist.root, MuDst.root, and pythia.root files as well as text output files from starsim and BFC, it does not include any jet or skim files.

The X section was calculated by taking the average of the 'All included subprocesses' cross sections as listed in the pythia output text.


Once the simulations were complete, I created jet and skim trees using a slightly modified version of the simulation jet maker macro found in CVS ( This version of the jet maker correctly emulates the L2 trigger and includes code to randomly throw away a certain percentage of tracks. I created my jet trees using a slightly modified version of this macro which can be found in /star/u/pagebs/diJetAnalysis/monoJetFilter/timingTest/createJetTrees/ . (The modifications I made to RunJetFinder2009sim.C were to remove unneeded branches). The plots below were generated using the 12 point branch with 7% of tracks randomly removed.


In order to get sensible jet spectra, the various pt bins must be weighted by there cross sections. I use the following formula to weight the pt bins:

W_i = scale*((500*#MuDst_i)/XSec_i)-1

Here W_i is the weight factor for pt bin i, scale is an overall factor chosen so that events in the 25-1000 bin have unity weight, #MuDst_i is the number of MuDst files which successfully completed for pt bin i (500 is the number of simulated events in each file), and XSec_i is the cross section for pt bin i.


Pt Bin Weight Factor
4-5 28052.690
5-7 12084.189
7-9 2069.790
9-11 489.328
11-15 208.420
15-25 43.623
25-1000 1.000



I have also estimated the number of jets and dijets that can be reconstructed from this simulation sample at the detector level. Several dijet cuts have not been implamented yet, so the numbers quoted are meant to give a rough estimate only.


Pt Bin # Triggered Events # Jets # Dijets
4-5 242 110 14
5-7 719 390 64
7-9 2044 1560 406
9-11 3891 3927 1265
11-15 5722 6913 2456
15-25 6541 9449 3510
25-1000 9153 15811 6446


Figures 1-4 below show the jet pt, eta, phi, and phi vs eta distributions for the 4 different trigger setups. I define L2 jets as those jets which match a jet patch that fired JP2 and satisfied the L2Jet dijet or random condition. I define JP jets as those jets which match a jet patch that fired JP1 and did not satisfy the L2 condition defined above. The All jets catagory contains all jets in an event where at least one jet satisfied the L2 or JP conditions defined above. The untriggered jets catagory contains jets which did not satisfy L2 or JP but were in an event where at least one jet did satisfy one of those conditions. The top four pannels in each figure show detector jets and the bottom four pannels show particle jets.


Figure 1: The Pt distributions for the four trigger setups for detector jets (top) and particle jets (bottom).


Figure 2: The Eta distributions for the four trigger setups for detector jets (top) and particle jets (bottom).


Figure 3: The Phi distributions for the four trigger setups for detector jets (top) and particle jets (bottom).


Figure 4: The Eta-Phi distributions for the four trigger setups for detector jets (top) and particle jets (bottom).


Figures 5-7 below show a comparison between the Pt, Eta, and Phi spectra as obtained from the MC and the data. The data sample consists of the first 20 runs from Pibero's Spin 2010 list. Note that there has been no overall normalization to match the MC to the Data, the closeness of the two curves is accidental.


Figure 5: Comparison between data and MC jet Pt for all jets.

Here are similar plots for the L2, JP, and untriggered jet Pt.


Figure 6: Comparison between data and MC jet eta for all jets.

Here are similar plots for the L2, JP, and untriggered jet Pt.


Figure 7: Comparison between data and MC jet phi for all jets.

Here are similar plots for the L2, JP, and untriggered jet Pt.