Run 9 Simu: ADC Threshold Test

This page details a quick look at the effect of increasing the jet patch ADC thresholds by 2 counts in the simulation similar to Xuan's recent study ...

For this study, I have increased the jet patch adc thresholds by 2 clicks in the simulation only while leaving the data alone. Now, in order for a jet to be triggered, it must match a jet patch which fired the trigger, but only if that jet patch has an adc value which is at least 2 counts above the nominal threshold.

Below, I compare the nominal and adc+2 simulations with data for several jet/dijet quantities and compare the two simulation samples directly. I also look at the effect of the adc change on the fully extracted cross section.

Figure 1: Comparison of jet pt spectra in data and simulation for the nominal simulation and the simulation with the jet patch ADC thresholds increased by 2. The left panels are L2JetHigh and the right panels are JP1. For the spectra plots, blue = data, red = original simulation, and green = adc+2 simulation. For the ratio plots, black = data / original simulation, and red = data / adc+2 simulation.

Figure 2: Comparison of the jet pt spectra for the original simulation and the adc+2 simulation. There are no scale factors applied. The left panels are L2JetHigh and the right panels are JP1. The blue curve is the original simulation and the red curve is the adc+2 simulation.

Here are plots similar to figure 1 for eta, phi, and rt.

Here are plots similar to figure 2 for eta, phi, and rt.

Figure 3: Same as figure 1 but for the dijet mass spectrum.

Figure 4: Same as figure 2 but for the dijet mass spectrum.

Figure 5: The comparison of the cross section extracted using the nominal simulation and the cross section extracted using the adc+2 simulation.

Figure 6: Comparison of the nominal and adc+2 cross sections with theory. The underlying event and hadronization corrections corrections which are applied to the theory are determined seperately for each case. 

Table 1: Summary of the number of events which make it past all dijet selection cuts between the nominal and adc+2 simulations broken down by partonic pt bin and trigger.
Bin Original L2 ADC+2 L2 (Orig-New)/New % Original JP ADC+2 JP (Orig-New)/New %
2-3 1 1 0 2 2 0
3-4 4 4 0 28 21 33.33
4-5 16 11 45.45 109 92 18.48
5-7 124 103 20.39 607 512 18.55
7-9 1778 1541 15.38 5459 4695 16.27
9-11 7566 6632 14.08 14996 13284 12.89
11-15 17007 15680 8.46 16009 14522 10.24
15-25 39730 38276 3.80 12181 11244 8.33
25-35 64004 63544 0.72 3164 2987 5.93
35-inf 28178 28112 0.23 373 348 7.18

Table 1 gives the total number of simulated events which make it through my dijet selection criteria; the plots below compare the dijet mass spectra between the two simulation samples for each partonic pt bin.

Figure 7: Dijet mass comparison for the 9-11 GeV partonic pt bin. The left panels are L2JetHigh and the right panels are JP1. The blue curve is the nominal simulation and the red curve is the adc+2 simulation.

Here are the plots for the remaining partonic pt bins: 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-7, 7-9, 11-15, 15-25, 25-35, and 35-inf.

Following an email from Zilong, I take a look at the largest Jet Patch ADC from the 18 barrel jet patches for L2JetHigh triggered events in the data. I look at run 10164016 which has a BJP2 threshold of 36.

Figure 8: Top panel shows the highest Jet Patch ADC spectrum for L2JetHigh && shouldFire && !didFire. Middle panel shows the highest Jet Patch ADC spectrum for L2JetHigh && !shouldFire && didFire. The bottom panel shows the highest Jet Patch ADC spectrum for L2JetHigh && shouldFire && didFire.