Stv Diary
Feb 12 2014 Wed Feb 12 21:20:48 2014 (gmt) (Stv+StarRoot)
CVS ci good version Related testing in
Used old version of StMultiKeyMap
Propagate by THelixTrack
Feb 17 2014 Compare versions with & without THelix. Used one file with 50 evts.
Results for NoHelix are slightly worse
Helix ON
InputFile = /star/rcf/prodlog/eval13/log_Stv_Feb_11/trs/rcf13003_77_50evts.log
nFiles =1 nEvents = 50 <nEvents>=50
nGlob = 40673 <nGlob> = 813 nGlobMax= 3241
nGgoo = 31632 <nGgoo> = 632 nGgooMax= 2441 Ggoo/Gtot=0.778
nPrim = 20469 <nPrim> = 409 nPrimMax= 1448 Ptot/Gtot=0.503
nPgoo = 19934 <nPgoo> = 398 nPgooMax= 1429 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.630
Helix Off
nFiles =1 nEvents = 50 <nEvents>=50
nGlob = 40659 <nGlob> = 813 nGlobMax= 3243
nGgoo = 31589 <nGgoo> = 631 nGgooMax= 2435 Ggoo/Gtot=0.777
nPrim = 20464 <nPrim> = 409 nPrimMax= 1448 Ptot/Gtot=0.503
nPgoo = 19925 <nPgoo> = 398 nPgooMax= 1427 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.631
Looking on Xi2 for primaries with low Pt HelixOn is slightly better again
I am going to check accounting of energy loss
Helix Off + few cleanup
nFiles =1 nEvents = 50 <nEvents>=50
nGlob = 40655 <nGlob> = 813 nGlobMax= 3240
nGgoo = 31586 <nGgoo> = 631 nGgooMax= 2435 Ggoo/Gtot=0.777
nPrim = 20466 <nPrim> = 409 nPrimMax= 1448 Ptot/Gtot=0.503
nPgoo = 19927 <nPgoo> = 398 nPgooMax= 1427 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.631
Energy loss was tested by numerical integration. Result the same.
Feb 18 2014 Run 1094 files THelixOff.
StiTime = 1.14
In File(s) /star/rcf/prodlog/eval13/log_Stv_Feb_18/trs
StvTime = 4.01
nFiles =1094 nEvents = 54600 <nEvents>=49
nGlob = 41127629 <nGlob> = 753 nGlobMax= 3617
nGgoo = 32091481 <nGgoo> = 587 nGgooMax= 2870 Ggoo/Gtot=0.780
nPrim = 21079767 <nPrim> = 386 nPrimMax= 1752 Ptot/Gtot=0.513
nPgoo = 20509561 <nPgoo> = 375 nPgooMax= 1722 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.639
The previous Feb11 THelixOn:
StvTime = 4.16
nFiles =1094 nEvents = 54600 <nEvents>=49
nGlob = 41140227 <nGlob> = 753 nGlobMax= 3615
nGgoo = 32132991 <nGgoo> = 588 nGgooMax= 2874 Ggoo/Gtot=0.781
nPrim = 21082626 <nPrim> = 386 nPrimMax= 1737 Ptot/Gtot=0.512
nPgoo = 20513758 <nPgoo> = 375 nPgooMax= 1707 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.638
Result is almost the same. Speed for HelixOff is slightly better (4%)
Looking on Fig12 Xi2 for small Pt is better then HelixOn
CVS Version Wed Feb 18 21:20:48 2014 (gmt) (Stv+StarRoot)
This version is GOOD.
GoodOldStvTime = 10 (Jan 30 2014)
But Jason found that 1/pt:pt is much worse than Sti and worse than Feb11 HelixOn
I found that in versiom helixOff was used eLoss and then calculated pLoss/p
and in versiom helixOn was used pLoss/p was calculated inside of ELossTrak.
Which is completely wrong.
This was fixed and test was made:
In File(s) /star/rcf/prodlog/eval13/log_Stv_Feb_24/trs
nFiles =1094 nEvents = 54385 <nEvents>=49
nGlob = 40947304 <nGlob> = 752 nGlobMax= 3616
nGgoo = 31953351 <nGgoo> = 587 nGgooMax= 2871 Ggoo/Gtot=0.780
nPrim = 20991169 <nPrim> = 385 nPrimMax= 1752 Ptot/Gtot=0.513
nPgoo = 20423302 <nPgoo> = 375 nPgooMax= 1722 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.639
StvTime = 3.94
Now 1/pt:pt is the same as Feb11 HelixOn
But Still worse than Sti
It should be investigated.
The possible reason:
Geant move track along broken line. Stv broken line is more smoof.
I suppress smoofing in Stv and Leve run jobs
q/pt becames slightly worse. So the guess above iw wrong(as expected)
Hitless ends of track removed before refit., Then after refit Dca Node added.
Supposedly could improve Q/pt
No improvement
nGlob = 40892585 <nGlob> = 752 nGlobMax= 3623
nGgoo = 31434607 <nGgoo> = 578 nGgooMax= 2817 Ggoo/Gtot=0.769
nPrim = 20871268 <nPrim> = 384 nPrimMax= 1716 Ptot/Gtot=0.510
nPgoo = 20181456 <nPgoo> = 371 nPgooMax= 1673 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.642
StvTime =3.97
Now Many Many Many Many Many ManyMany ManyMany ManyMany ManyMany Many
Jason found MANY in TPSS which is veryVery bad.
Remove it, and:
In File(s) /star/rcf/prodlog/eval13/log_Stv_Feb_27/trs
nFiles =1094 nEvents = 54453 <nEvents>=49
nGlob = 41025941 <nGlob> = 753 nGlobMax= 3606
nGgoo = 31581921 <nGgoo> = 579 nGgooMax= 2836 Ggoo/Gtot=0.770
nPrim = 20906816 <nPrim> = 383 nPrimMax= 1713 Ptot/Gtot=0.510
nPgoo = 20212271 <nPgoo> = 371 nPgooMax= 1663 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.640
StvTime = 3.125
So Time is 20% better and Numbers are he same.
Run with dP in ResetELoss very small (1e-4)
Result is slightly better and time is the same. (3.128)
New StTGeoHitShape introduced (Rmin bins added)
It should avoid tracking in non hitted area. Could improve time.
StvTime = 5.19
nFiles =1 nEvents = 50 <nEvents>=50
nGlob = 40328 <nGlob> = 806 nGlobMax= 3248
nGgoo = 30834 <nGgoo> = 616 nGgooMax= 2361 Ggoo/Gtot=0.765
nPrim = 20218 <nPrim> = 404 nPrimMax= 1429 Ptot/Gtot=0.501
nPgoo = 19537 <nPgoo> = 390 nPgooMax= 1388 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.634
Big Run result: Time 3.084 (1.4% better)
nFiles =1094 nEvents = 54510 <nEvents>=49
nGlob = 40708330 <nGlob> = 746 nGlobMax= 3580
nGgoo = 31267952 <nGgoo> = 573 nGgooMax= 2802 Ggoo/Gtot=0.768
nPrim = 20811553 <nPrim> = 381 nPrimMax= 1716 Ptot/Gtot=0.511
nPgoo = 20058245 <nPgoo> = 367 nPgooMax= 1654 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.641
Comparing with the previous (Feb27) result is slightly worse
Probably related to the direct limits which suppress some loopers
I will add some safe distance into StTGeoHitShape
10% safe area added
Result for 50 events:
nFiles =1 nEvents = 50 <nEvents>=50
nGlob = 40694 <nGlob> = 813 nGlobMax= 3258
nGgoo = 31176 <nGgoo> = 623 nGgooMax= 2385 Ggoo/Gtot=0.766
nPrim = 20326 <nPrim> = 406 nPrimMax= 1426 Ptot/Gtot=0.499
nPgoo = 19657 <nPgoo> = 393 nPgooMax= 1394 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.631
It is better but not enough.
Increase to 20 %
Result exactly the same
I keep 10%
StvELossTrak rwritten.
Trace of all materials added.
dP/dP0 added and included into derivatives
class StvELossData removed
Short test:
In File(s) 0.log
nFiles =1 nEvents = 50 <nEvents>=50
nGlob = 40524 <nGlob> = 810 nGlobMax= 3233
nGgoo = 31063 <nGgoo> = 621 nGgooMax= 2377 Ggoo/Gtot=0.767
nPrim = 20320 <nPrim> = 406 nPrimMax= 1428 Ptot/Gtot=0.501
nPgoo = 19649 <nPgoo> = 392 nPgooMax= 1399 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.633
StvELoss bug workaround. Something wrong with factory
Run full test
In File(s) /star/rcf/prodlog/eval13/log_Stv_Mar_31/trs
nFiles =1094 nEvents = 54091 <nEvents>=49
nGlob = 40578602 <nGlob> = 750 nGlobMax= 3599
nGgoo = 31257173 <nGgoo> = 577 nGgooMax= 2814 Ggoo/Gtot=0.770
nPrim = 20741260 <nPrim> = 383 nPrimMax= 1716 Ptot/Gtot=0.511
nPgoo = 20050690 <nPgoo> = 370 nPgooMax= 1673 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.641
Slightly better than before
Timing test: 3.21
vout bug fixed.
But still ELoss from StvELossTrak is different from fEdep. Bigger than 20%
Test Jobs with fixed bug ended. But no big hope that low pt will be correct
In File(s) /star/rcf/prodlog/eval13/log_Stv_Apr_14/trs
nFiles =1094 nEvents = 54303 <nEvents>=49
nGlob = 40732232 <nGlob> = 750 nGlobMax= 3602
nGgoo = 31372770 <nGgoo> = 577 nGgooMax= 2815 Ggoo/Gtot=0.770
nPrim = 20818200 <nPrim> = 383 nPrimMax= 1715 Ptot/Gtot=0.511
nPgoo = 20131590 <nPgoo> = 370 nPgooMax= 1672 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.642
- perev's blog
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