Sti ELoss bug fix

Sti Energy loss bug fixed. A lot of modifications, because Sti was designed with this bug.
1. StiElossCalculator created automatically now insie of StiMaterial and belong to this material.
2. Energy loss calculates now 3 times (instead of 1). In previous material, in gas, in current material.
3. No double multiplication by density.

Run test for 1000+ files: OLD STI:

root.exe [2] .x primary.C("/star/rcf/prodlog/eval13/log_Sti_Jun_09/trs")
 In File(s) /star/rcf/prodlog/eval13/log_Sti_Jun_09/trs
nFiles =1094 nEvents = 54600 <nEvents>=49
nGlob =   52027811 <nGlob> =   952 nGlobMax= 5314
nGgoo =   36888426 <nGgoo> =   675 nGgooMax= 4000 Ggoo/Gtot=0.709
nPrim =   21264302 <nPrim> =   389 nPrimMax= 1632 Ptot/Gtot=0.409
nPgoo =   20187505 <nPgoo> =   369 nPgooMax= 1606 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.547

Run test for 1000+ files: FIX STI:

In File(s) /star/rcf/prodlog/eval13/log_Sti_Jun_25/trs
nFiles =1094 nEvents = 54551 <nEvents>=49
nGlob =   49105748 <nGlob> =   900 nGlobMax= 5127
nGgoo =   36705957 <nGgoo> =   672 nGgooMax= 3999 Ggoo/Gtot=0.747
nPrim =   21196025 <nPrim> =   388 nPrimMax= 1642 Ptot/Gtot=0.432
nPgoo =   20167667 <nPgoo> =   369 nPgooMax= 1616 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.549

Result is strange: nGlobals is less for 5% and primaries the same.

Now, fixed version but fix is switched off

In File(s) /star/rcf/prodlog/eval13/log_Sti_Jun_26/trs
nFiles =1093 nEvents = 54501 <nEvents>=49
nGlob =   51368007 <nGlob> =   942 nGlobMax= 5258
nGgoo =   36487480 <nGgoo> =   669 nGgooMax= 3975 Ggoo/Gtot=0.710
nPrim =   21428647 <nPrim> =   393 nPrimMax= 1640 Ptot/Gtot=0.417
nPgoo =   20319688 <nPgoo> =   372 nPgooMax= 1614 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.557


StiFix versus StiBug

 StiBug  StiFix

The dPt/Pt is worse, efficiency the same.  Absolutely indefinite result.

Now run fix version with the fix OFF. Result the same. Some additoinal histos added

Comparison StiBug with StiFix(fix=OFF)

 Relative correction OLD  Relative correction NEW